IPC8 Call For PapersThe 8th International Python Conference is a forum for Python users, software developers, and researchers to present current work, discuss future plans for the language, and to learn about interesting uses of Python. The conference includes a day of tutorials, two days of papers, a work in progress session, demonstrations, a poster session, and a Developers' Day.Important Dates
PapersWe invite authors to submit papers describing new and useful applications and tools that utilize Python. We have a special interest in papers that address practical programming problems as well as experience papers that provide lessons for Python programmers. In constrast to last year's conference, we are trying to focus the conference more on applications and less on Python internals. Thus, we particularly encourage the submission of papers that describe the use of Python in large, mission critical, or unusual applications.Specific paper topics include, but are not limited to:
Papers that describe applications should balance the need to appeal to Python programmers at-large against the need for application-specific details. Authors should focus on presenting issues and techniques that have wider relevance to the audience, but should also provide enough explanatory material to make application-specific issues understandable to a wider audience. Papers will be judged on the quality and quantity of technical content, the presentation and writing, and their relevance to the Python community. What to Submit and How to Submit ItPaper submissions should be approximately 6 to 12 single-space, 8.5"x11" pages (about 3000-6000 words) including an abstract. Papers must be original works not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. The conference proceedings will be made available online and in printed form. Authors will need to provide Postscript and HTML versions of their final papers.Submissions can be made in any of the following formats: HTML (single page with no external links), PostScript, or PDF. Regardless of format, be sure that it can be viewed and printed on a wide variety of systems (avoid unusual fonts and browser-specific tags). To submit a paper, do the following:
For more informationQuestions regarding paper submissions should be addressed to ipc8papers@cs.uchicago.eduConference OrganizersGeneral chair: Guido van Rossum, CNRIProgram committee:
David Arnold, University of Queensland |