Instructions for Accepted Papers
6th International Python Conference
October 14-17, San Jose, California
Both final camera-ready copy and electronic versions are due on or before
Friday, September 19, 1997. Copy received after this date will not
be included in the printed proceedings.
What to Submit
We request that you email two electronic versions of your paper on or before
September 19 to: ipc6-papers@python.org.
Please send:
One version in fully formatted HTML, with any illustrations in .gif or
.jpeg format. This version will be posted on the conference Web site.
- Templates. There are templates for Microsoft Word (sample.doc) and Latex (template.la).
Second version in fully formatted PostScript, including any
figures. Please make sure that the PostScript version will print on a
wide variety of PostScript printers. This version will be used
to prepare the printed proceedings.
Copyright Form
You will retain copyright for the paper, but must give us rights to
copy and distribute it. We need you to sign a form and mail it to us.
There are two version of the form, one for papers with a single author
(copyright-single.doc, copyright-single.ps) and one for papers
with multiple authors (copyright-joint.doc, copyright-joint.ps). If there are
multiple authors, we need each author to sign a copy of the form.
Supporting Materials and URLs
If you have information online about any software or documents discussed
in your paper, please send us the relevant URLs so we may point to the
relevant site.
Specification for Camera-Ready Postscript Version
Please avoid excessive font changes!
Below are the general specifications that we require for submission
of your camera-ready copy:
We are aiming for a consistent style of proceedings based on the USENIX
guidelines. Layout sheets are not required, but authors are required to
adhere to the following format parameters. Deviations from this style must
be cleared with the program committee chairs.
Typeface and Size
Papers should be done in a readable font set, preferably a serif font like
Times-Roman. Again, please refrain from making excessive font changes.
It makes for poor readability.
Type should be no smaller than 10 points for the body text. Text should
be printed single-spaced (e.g., at approximately 120% leading: 12pt for
10pt text, 14 or 15pt for 12pt text).
Headings are 12 points, and footnotes, equations and illustration captions
in 8 pt type. Type that is too small will not reproduce legibly.
We recommend using 14-point bold text for titles, 12-point roman for
author('s') name(s), 12-point italic for their affiliation, and 10-point
type for the text body.
Copy should be submitted on 8.5 by 11 inch pages. The ``active'' area should
be a 6.5 by 9 inch rectangle centered in the physical page. Text should
be set in a double columns (3.125" each) in portrait orientation (long
axis vertical). Illustrations and diagrams may be in either portrait or
landscape orientation, but be sure to indicate ``top'' (an arrow or legend
penciled lightly on the reverse is a good idea).
Print your paper with 1 inch margins, left and right, and 1 inch top
and bottom. Both text and illustrations should be set to the 6.5 by 9 inch
Please put references together at the end of your paper, not in footnotes.
Reproduction will be black on white only, on flat-surface paper. Keep
this in mind when producing illustrations (particularly when using shaded
areas -- some shadings are hard to differentiate in offset-printed copies).
We will not accept color prints or transparencies. Only black and white
will reproduce well.
Do not use running titles, headers, or footers on the pages. Do not
print page numbers on the papers. Number your pages lightly in pencil on
the the reverse side of each page.
Attribution information (authors' affiliations, network addresses, etc.)
should be included at the beginning of the first page of text. Dedicated
title pages should not be used. Keep attribution short --- no biographies
or other extended information. Include e-mail addresses, if available.
A short, 200--300 word abstract should also be included.
Page Count
Papers should be no more than 12 pages. 12 pages is the maximum without
special approval of the program chairs. The 12-page limit includes any references,
diagrams, or appendices.
Style, Grammar, and all that
Proofread your paper carefully. Run a spell-checker against your paper
and have someone else proofread it for you. If you are not a native
English speaker, find a native speaker to proofread your paper.
Gender Bias
Be aware in your writing when referring to programmers, users or whomever,
that the pronouns "she" or "he or she" is used fairly. If this is not done
it becomes offensive and distracting. It is also contrary to expected behavior,
particularly in a professional forum.
With each paper, complete the attached checklist indicating who should
be contacted if there is a problem with the format of the camera-ready
Each paper will be scheduled in a 30-minute time period (no more than 20
minutes for your talk and at least 10 reserved for questions). We will very
closely monitor the time and will not allow talks to run over their allotted
time. Prepare your talks accordingly.
Make your overheads or slides legible from a distance. Please read the
USENIX slide
presentation guidelines. (While the guidelines were written with larger
USENIX conferences in mind, they all still apply to your presentation.)
A couple of key points are to use a horizontal slide format and an
18pt (or larger) type face.
If you have any questions that aren't covered by the above, contact the
program chairs, Guido van Rossum and Jeremy Hylton, via email.