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The Python Software Foundation Minutes of the Feb. 2002 Member MeetingThe members of the Python Software Foundation (the "Corporation") held its second annual meeting on Feb. 6, 2002 at the Hilton Alexandria Mark Center in Alexandria, Virginia. Jeremy Hylton, secretary and treasurer, presided over the meeting. The following members attended the meeting:
The following members were represented by proxy, according to written requests received by the secretary:
The members in attendance and represented by proxy consisted a quorum according to the Bylaws. The following non-members were also present at the meeting:
Reports The first order of business was a report on the Corporations activities and finances in 2001 by Jeremy Hylton. He reported that very little activity took place during 2001. The only significant expense was a donation of $2,000 to Jeff Elkner and his students to finish production of their video aimed at students and educators, titled "Introducing Python." It is available online at: http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/pyBiblio/pythonvideo.php Zope Corp. gave Elkner $2,000 in lieu of paying a sponsorship fee to the Corporation. ActiveState has not yet paid its sponsorship fee for 2001, but expects to soon. The only other expenses incurred to date are a yearly retainer for the law firm of Carlton Fields ($275) and a yearly fee to Delaware to maintain our incorporation status ($20). Paul Everitt described the background of Andrew Greenberg, an attorney at Carleton Fields. Greenberg has extensive software experience; he contributed to a recent book on Squeak and developed computer games like Wizardry. Members Guido van Rossum present a list of new members for admission to the Corporation, consisting primarily of members of the Python project at SourceForge. The potential new members have not filled out membership applications, which is required by the Bylaws. Therefore, the new members were admitted contingent upon receipt of completed application. Upon motion by Tim Peters, seconded by Paul Everitt, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following people be admitted as regular members of the Python Software Foundation contingent upon receiving a membership application from them in 2002:
David Abrahams was present and presented an application to the secretary at the meeting. (Note that Charles Waldman is already a PSF member, a point that was overlooked at the meeting.) Upon further discussion, several corporations were invited to be sponsor members of the Corporation. Upon motion by Guido van Rossum, seconded by Ka-Ping Yee, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following corporations be admitted as sponsor members of the Python Software Foundation contingent upon receiving a membership application from them in 2002:
Elections The next order of business was the election of a new board of directors, in accordance with Section 5.5 of the Bylaws. The following members were elect to the the Board of Directors:
Discussion Marc-Andre Lemburg circulated a draft contributor agreement in January. The PSF intends to have each contributor to the Python CVS repository sign the agreement and have it apply to all checkins. The agreement was discussed at length, and compared the the Zope and Mozilla agreements. Paul Everitt described the Zope agreement as a joint ownership model: The committer and the PSF each receive one-half interest of the copyright and intellectual property of any checkin. The members decided to circulate the draft agreement publicly for review by potential contributors. The public review period will end by April 15. At that time, the board will get legal review of the agreement. The members discussed plans for future Python conferences. It was agreed that a separate mailing list would be created for discussing conference issues with the larger Python community. Adjournment Since there was no further business, the meeting, on motion by David Ascher and seconded by Guido van Rossum, was adjourned by unanimous vote. |