What is the Python Software Foundation?
From the PSF Mission Statement:
The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a non-profit
membership organization devoted to advancing open source technology
related to the Python programming language. It qualifies
under the US Internal Revenue Code as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3)
scientific and educational public charity, and conducts its
business according to the rules for such organizations.
The PSF is a corporation according to U.S. tax law, incorporated in
the state of Delaware.
In case you're interested, our federal taxpayer ID ("04 number") is
Who are PSF members?
For the full list of members, please refer to the membership roster.
Who are on the PSF board? Who are the officers?
The PSF board and officers are also listed on the membership roster.
How do I reach the PSF?
Send email to psf@python.org.
Send postal mail to
Python Software Foundation
P.O. Box 653
Ipswich, MA 01938
Send faxes to +1 858 712 8966
We currently do not have a phone number. Please use email or snail mail.
See also details for wire transfers.
How do I join the PSF?
- According to the bylaws, regular members
are nominated and elected by existing members.
Once nominated, proposed members must submit an
application form
(PDF Form,
PDF) at least ten days
before the meeting where elections are held. In nominating and
electing new members, the existing members consider the following
- Multiple contributions over a period of time
- Shows interest in the on-going stewardship of the
- Has taken on some form of responsibility (maintaining
a python website, writing articles/books, running events,
writing summaries/newsletters, maintaining the language,
writing docs, active involvement with community, marketing
python, fundraising, etc)
- Active in some python leadership group (python-dev, the
marketing list, an interest group, or some such)
- Has visibility (at least a handful of the current members
should have heard of the person; at least one should know enough
to champion the new member)
- Sponsoring members are also elected by existing members,
pay a sponsor fee (currently $2,000 per year) and get a sponsorship
link on the website. Please write
psf@python.org if you would like
to know more. There's also an
sponsor application form
(PDF Form,