The Python Software Foundation
Resolutions of the Board of Directors
RESOLVED, that the Board appoints Kurt B. Kaiser as
Treasurer and Neal Norwitz as Assistant Treasurer.
- Approved by email vote 7-0-0, October 18, 2005
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors recommends CCP Games as a new
Sponsor of the PSF.
- Approved by IRC vote 4-0-0, September 14, 2005
RESOLVED, that Kurt Kaiser and Andrew Kuchling are authorized to obligate the
PSF under the previously emailed 2-year contract for PyCon 2006/2007 to be
held at the Marriot Quorum in Dallas, Texas. The contract may be changed
before signing but any changes will be reported to the PSF board and may not
increase the financial obligation assumed by the PSF.
- Approved by IRC vote 5-0-0, August 9, 2005
RESOLVED: To allocate up to $260 to compensate Barry
Warsaw for purchasing 5 SSL certificates for python.org hosts. ($260, not
$245, to allow for sales tax.)
- Approved by IRC vote 5-0-0, July 12, 2005
RESOLVED, that a budget of $1,000 will be made available for banner,
posters, brochures, and any food, drink, and venue costs for a PSF
sponsored social event at EuroPython. Reimbursement will require
receipts from the recipient of the funds.
- Approved by IRC vote 5-0-1, June 14 2005
RESOLVED, that Andrew Kuchling, Martin von Loewis, and David
Ascher are Vice Presidents of the corporation, and that David
Ascher is further designated as Executive Vice President.
- Approved by unanimous email vote May 31 2005
RESOLVED, that Andrew Kuchling be appointed a member of the Python
Conference Committee, and that he be appointed the new chair of this
Committee. By this resolution, the membership of the Committee will
be David Ascher, Steve Holden (secretary), Jeremy Hylton, Andrew
Kuchling (chair).
- Approved by unanimous email vote May 06 2005
that David Goodger is Assistant Secretary
- Approved by unanimous email vote Apr 04 2005
that the Public Relations Committee is dissolved.
- Approved 6-0-0 at Apr 12 2005 IRC meeting
that the board of directors appoints Kurt Kaiser to be
assistant treasurer.
- Approved 5-0-0 at Feb 8, 2005 IRC meeting
that subscribers to the psf-board mailing list be officers
or directors of the corporation or the corporation counsel.
- Approved 5-0-0 at Feb 8, 2005 IRC meeting
that ActiveGrid is recommended by the Board as a new Sponsor
Member for approval by the PSF Membership at the next PSF member meeting
in March 2005.
- Approved 7-0-0 at Jan 11, 2005 IRC meeting
that the PSF will pay for Guido van Rossum's expenses to attend
PyCon 2005, up to $2500 total.
- Approved 6-0-1 at Jan 11, 2005 IRC meeting
that the Python Conference Committee is given additional funds
of up to $3000 to pay attendance costs for individuals attending PyCon
2005, at the discretion of the Conference Committee.
- Approved 7-0-0 at Jan 11, 2005 IRC meeting
that the board approves payment of a total of 4,000 GBP to Tim
Parkin for redevelopment of the python.org website as described in his
proposal. Payment will take place in two installments of 2,000 GBP, at
the prevailing exchange rate of up to US $2/GBP, one payment before the
work commences and one after the deliverables described in the proposal
have been provided.
- Approved 6-1-0 at Jan 11, 2005 IRC meeting
that the PSF accepts the recommendation of the grants
committee to execute the following three projects in 2005:
- Brian Zimmer, Moving Jython Forward, US$10,000
- Ilya Etingof, implementation of SNMPv3 as a Python library module, US$1,500
- Greg Wilson, Software Engineering with Python for Scientists and Engineers, US$27,000
- Approved 5-0-1 by IRC vote Dec 14, 2004
that the PSF asks past and future contributors of
Python to fill out and send in the contributor form currently
shown at:
that contributors will be advised to chose between the
" Apache License, Version 2" and the "Academic Free License v.
2.1" as the Initial License, and that the PSF will relicense all
such contributions under the "PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION LICENSE
(See contribution forms page for the accepted form
and more information)
- Approved unanimously via email vote on December 10, 2004
that all future releases of Python 2.4 will be released under
the Python Software Foundation License Version 2.
- Approved unanimously via email vote on October 22, 2004
that the conference committee is authorized to spend no more than
$30,000 on fixed costs for PyCon 2005 and that per-delegate expenses
should be held below $85 per head. If sponsorship income exceeds $10,000
then up to 25% of the surplus can be allocated to per-delegate expenses
and a further 25% of the surplus can be allocated to fixed costs.
- Approved unanimously via email vote on Sept. 22, 2004
RESOLVED, that the treasurer is authorized to pay up to $750 per year
for insurance.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote August 10, 2004
RESOLVED, that the conference committee is authorized to spend $3000
for room reservations for PyCon 2005.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote August 10, 2004
RESOLVED, that we give Neal a budget for $2k for expenses as a
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote June 15, 2004.
RESOLVED, that the principal office and official headquarters of the PSF
shall be:
Python Software Foundation
1209 Orange Street
Wilmington DE 19801
The mailing address will remain:
Python Software Foundation
c/o Neal Norwitz
1707 Sinclair Lane
Crownsville, MD 21032-1925
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote May 11, 2004.
RESOLVED, that the treasurer is authorized to pay an accountant
$800 for preparing IRS Form 990 for 2003.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote May 11, 2004.
RESOLVED, that David Ascher is designated Executive Vice President
of the Python Software Foundation.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote April 13th, 2004.
RESOLVED, that a Grants Committee is formed, with Michael
McLay, Paul Dubois, Jeremy Hylton, and Martin v. Löwis as
initial members, and Martin v. Löwis as the initial chairman
and Vice President of Grants, that the Grant Committee drafts
for approval by the Board the rules for soliciting grant-funded
development proposals designed to further the PSF mission, that
the committee selects among proposals and oversees the completion
of those that are accepted by the Board, and that members of
the committee cannot apply for grants until one (1) year after
they leave the committee.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote April 13th, 2004.
RESOLVED, that a Public Relations (PR) Committee is formed,
with Tim Parkin, Kevin Altis, Aahz, Barry Warsaw, Andrew
Kuchling, and Steve Holden as initial members, and Steve Holden
as the initial chairman and Vice President of Public Relations,
that the PR Committee replaces and subsumes the activities of
the previously disbanded Web Committee, and that the PR Committee
- Facilitate and oversee the development and maintenance of the
official informational, marketing, and advocacy materials for the
Python programming language, including but not limited to those
appearing on python.org, brochures, and press releases.
- Ensure that content and design for such materials is consistent
and appropriate with the mission and requirements of the Python
Software Foundation and the needs and ideals of the Python open
source community.
- Develop and manage brand identities associated with the Python
Software Foundation and Python.
- Actively promote Python in commercial, governmental and
educational contexts, in order to facilitate the recruitment of
new users and contributors to Python.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote April 13th, 2004.
RESOLVED, that the Public Support Committee formed in August
2002 shall continue under current membership and leadership,
and that the committee's activities shall now be constrained
to all aspects of fund raising for the PSF, including but not
limited to (1) creation of fund raising messages, ads,
and materials, (2) soliciting of donations from private
and company contributors, and (3) management of fund raising
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote April 13th, 2004.
RESOLVED, that at most USD 5000 be used for the remaining legal
review of the proposed contribution agreements and that the
second round will be led by Marc-Andre Lemburg and Martin von
Loewis using a budget of USD 3,000 with an option to spend an
additional USD 2,000, if required to complete the review.
- Approved unanimously by email vote on February 4, 2004.
WHEREAS the PSF Treasurer has identified the following expenses
related to PyCon 2004:
- up to $ 600 to The Hartford for insurance
- up to $ 17,000 to GWU for PyCon rooms
- up to $ 19,000 to Aramark (?) for PyCon food costs
- up to $ 2,000 to ? for PyCon tote bags
- up to $ 3,500 to ? for PyCon t-shirts
- up to $ 500 miscellaneous PyCon charges
Be it hereby
RESOLVED, that the Board establishes a budget of $45,000.00 for
PyCon 2004,which the Treasurer is authorized to spend for the
purposes enumerated above.
- Approved unanimously by email vote on February 4, 2004.
RESOLVED, that monies from the silver sponsorships be allocated to help defray
costs associated with sponsor-selected sprints, up to a maximum of $500. Each
silver sponsor can choose what sprint to allocate the funds to. The sprint
leader and the sprint chair must agree on how the monies are to be disbursed.
Any reimbursement for travel or other expenses must be made based on
submission of receipts.
- Approved with 4/2/0 by IRC vote Jan 13, 2004
RESOLVED, that sprint leaders who organize and run sprints with at least two
other full-time attendants get waived admission to the conference if they want
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Jan 13, 2004.
RESOLVED, that students at accredited institutions can apply for a "gopher"
position, which grants them free admission to the conference in exchange for
administrative assistance of the conference, under the direction of the
organizing committee. The board grants the conference chair the authority to
approve these requests according to the needs of the conference.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Jan 13, 2004.
RESOLVED, that the Foundation accepts Industrial Light & Magic as a pending
sponsor member.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Dec 9, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the Foundation establish a Project Management Committee,
the Python Conference Committee, responsible for organizing and sponsoring
conferences that advance the Foundation's mission. The committee is
authorized to incur expenses up to a limit establish by the board for a
specific conference. The chairman of the committee shall be Vice President
of the Corporation. The initial members of the committee shall be David
Ascher, Steve Holden, and Jeremy Hylton. Ascher will be its initial
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Oct 14, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the Board can collect sponsor fees and add a Pending
Sponsor Member to the website prior to being elected by the members if the
Board decides it is likely the full membership will approve the Sponsor
Member. If Sponsor Membership status is not approved, the funds will be
converted to a donation.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Oct 14, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the Board accepts Array BioPharma as a Pending Sponsor
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Oct 14, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the PSF secretary, Jeremy Hylton, registers the term
"PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION" on behalf of the Python Software Foundation
under the service class 042 with US PTO.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Oct 14, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the Public Support Committee, represented by its
chairman and officer Marc-Andre Lemburg, may signup for bookshop affiliate
programs on behalf of the Python Software Foundation for fund-raising
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Oct 14, 2003.
RESOLVED, to let the treasurer immediately write a check to George
Washington University for up to $2500 to reserve the space for PyCon
2004 (the actual amount to be 10% of the estimated total price).
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Sep 9, 2003.
RESOLVED, That the Public Support Committee and Python Website Committee,
created earlier by resolution of the board, are Project Management
Committees according to Section 6.3 of the Bylaws and that the chairmen
of these committees, Marc-Andre Lemburg and Thomas Wouters, respectively, are
hereby appointed Vice Presidents of the corporation.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Sep 9, 2003.
RESOLVED, That the officers of the Corporation may, at their discretion,
recognize certain donors as pending sponsor members of the corporation,
when it is expected that the donor will be admitted as a sponsor member
at the next meeting of the members. A pending sponsor member may participate
in all activities and be listed as a pending sponsor member, but may not
vote at meetings.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Sep 9, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the treasurer contact Archaeopteryx and suggest that they
either pay their sponsorship fee or volunteer to become emeritus
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Aug 12, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the PSF approves a $500/year budget for the Public
Support Committee to pay for distribution of press releases.
- Approved by 4/0/2 by IRC vote Aug 12, 2003.
RESOLVED, That a Project Management Committee, designated Python
Website Committee, be formed to be responsible for the content and
management of the Python Website (www.python.org), that its initial
members be Thomas Wouters, Kevin Altis, Just van Rossum, Aahz and Fred
L. Drake Jr., that it follows rules analog to those set for in the PSF
bylaws for the PSF board with respect to voting and meetings, and that
Thomas Wouters will be its initial chairman.
- Approved unanimously by IRC vote Aug 12, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the officers can spend PSF funds for the
furtherance of the Python Conference, 2003, in an amount not to exceed
projected conference revenue by more than US$3000.00.
- Approved unanimously at the board meeting on March 11, 2003.
RESOLVED, that the foundation will pay up to $1,000 for legal
review of the contributor agreement.
- Approved unanimously at the board meeting on February 11, 2003.
RESOLVED, that until further notice, the Officers of the Board
can spend up to USD 500 per expense without prior board
approval, but subject to prompt reporting to the Board.
- Approved unanimously at the board meeting on October 8, 2002.
RESOLVED, that Guido van Rossum can offer Adam Turoff that
the PSF will take full financial responsibility for the conference if
YAS is unwilling to run the conference at a $125/attendee fee.
- Approved by a 4-0-1 vote at the board meeting on September 10, 2002.
RESOLVED, That the Public Support Committee (PSC) be made up of the
following initial members: Stephan Deibel, Jeremy Hylton, Marc-Andre
Lemburg, Tim Peters, Aahz, Alex Martelli, Neil Norwitz and Greg Ward,
that the committee follows rules analog to those set forth in the PSF
bylaws for the PSF board with respect to voting and meetings, and that
Marc-Andre Lemburg will be the initial chairman of the PSC. I move to
approve this motion.
- Approved unanimously at the board meeting on August 13, 2002.
In order to
- Clarify the purpose of the PSF to current and potential members
and donors, and to the general public;
- Aid in soliciting donations, by affirming the charitable nature
of the PSF's goals;
- Help guide the Board in its deliberations;
- Get a start on possible changes needed in the PSF's bylaws; and,
- Justify further work on applying for public charity status,
be it hereby
RESOLVED, that the PSF adopts the following mission statement.
The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a non-profit membership
organization devoted to advancing open source technology related to the
Python programming language. It intends to qualify under the US
Internal Revenue Code as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) scientific and
educational public charity, and will conduct its business according to
the rules for such organizations.
By "open source" we mean freely available technology licensed under
terms compatible with Version 1.9 (or later) of the Open Source
Definition, as established by the Open Source Initiative (see
The PSF:
- Produces the core Python distribution, made available to the public
free of charge. This includes the Python language itself, its
standard libraries and documentation, installers, source code,
educational materials, and assorted tools and applications.
- Establishes PSF licenses, ensuring the rights of the public to freely
obtain, use, redistribute, and modify intellectual property held by
the PSF.
- Works with the Open Source Initiative to ensure that PSF licenses
conform to the Open Source Definition.
- Holds Python's intellectual property rights for releases 2.1 and
- Seeks to obtain the intellectual property rights for Python releases
prior to 2.1, for relicensing under the PSF Python license, to relieve
the legal burden on Python's users. The PSF may also seek rights
to other Python-related software for relicensing under a PSF license.
- Protects the Python name, and the names, service marks and trademarks
associated with all other intellectual property held by the PSF.
- Solicits and manages contributions to the Python codebase, and may
perform these services on behalf of other open source Python-related
- Raises funds to support PSF programs and services. The regulations
for public charity funding are complex. Some consequences are that
the vast bulk of funding must come from private contributions
(including sponsoring memberships) and public grants, must come from
a broad base, and that no single private donor can supply a
substantial percentage of the PSF's total funding. Additional
revenue may be pursued in ways consistent with then-current rules for
public charities and with Python's standing as an open source project.
For example, the PSF may offer to sell conference proceedings, special
Python distributions, or merchandise with distinctive insignia.
- Publicizes, promotes the adoption of, and facilitates the ongoing
development of Python-related technology and educational resources.
This includes, but is not limited to, maintaining a public web site,
planning Python conferences, and offering grants to Python-related
open source projects.
- Encourages and facilitates Python-related research in the public
- Approved by unanimous written consent on March 2, 2002.
RESOLVED, that Guido van Rossum is the President of the PSF for
the year 2002.
- Approved by unanimous written consent on February 19, 2002.
RESOLVED, that PSF accepts the membership application forms, as shown
in the attachment (one form for nominated members, and a second form
for sponsor members).
[Attachments were regular
application and sponsor
- Approved by unanimous written consent on February 18, 2002.
RESOLVED, the the principal office of the PSF shall be
The Python Software Foundation
c/o Zope Corp.
Lafayette Technology Center
513 Prince Edward St.
Fredericksburg VA 22401
- The motion was passed by white ballot at the Feb. 7, 2002
board meeting.
RESOLVED, that in connection with discharging their respective
duties as officers of the Corporation, including, without
limitation, in connection with the maintenance, preparation and
filing of books, records, reports and returns, the officers of the
Corporation hereby are authorized and directed to procure, in
their discretion, such legal, accounting and other professional
services and assistance as they may reasonably require in order
to properly discharge the duties of said offices, and that the
reasonable expenses therefor shall be charged to and paid for
by the Corporation.
- Approved by unanimous written consent on September 14, 2001.
RESOLVED, that the officers of the Corporation hereby are
authorized and directed to pay and discharge all taxes, fees and
other expenses heretofore incurred or hereafter to be incurred
as a result of and in connection with the organization of the
Corporation, and to reimburse the incorporator, the officers and
all other persons for all expenditures heretofore made by them
in such connection.
- Approved by unanimous written consent on September 14, 2001.
RESOLVED, that the officers of the Corporation hereby are authorized
and directed to procure and maintain the necessary corporate books
and records and to open and maintain share transfer records in
accordance with the Bylaws of the Corporation and the laws of the
State of Delaware, as well as the laws of any other applicable
- Approved by unanimous written consent on September 14, 2001.
RESOLVED, that the fiscal year of the Corporation shall end on
Dec. 31 of each calendar year.
- Approved by unanimous written consent on September 14, 2001.
RESOLVED, that Jeremy Hylton is appointed secretary and
treasurer of the PSF.
- Approved by unanimous written consent on April 14, 2001.
RESOLVED, that the principal office of the Corporation shall be
The Python Software Foundation
7700 Leesburg Pike, Suite 208
Falls Church, VA 22043
- Approved by unanimous written consent on September 14, 2001.