The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
June 14, 2005
A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board
of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 17:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel
presided at the meeting.
1. Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the
meeting: David Ascher, Stephan Deibel, Jeremy Hylton, Kurt Kaiser, Andrew Kuchling,
Tim Peters, and Martin von Löwis. Kuchling took minutes.
2. Meeting minutes of past meetings
The May minutes were approved with a 5-0-1 vote.
3. Budget for PSF presence at EuroPython
Michael Hudson and Jacob Hallen have requested
money to sponsor a social event at EuroPython and for a PSF banner or poster.
Stephan Deibel moved that it is
RESOLVED, that a budget of $1,000 will be made available for banner,
posters, brochures, and any food, drink, and venue costs for a PSF
sponsored social event at EuroPython. Reimbursement will require
receipts from the recipient of the funds.
The motion was approved 5-0-1.
4. "Summer of Code" plans
David Ascher said he expected to see around 200 applications from
Google's "Summer of Code" program. Google will donate $500 to the PSF
for each completed project, and Ascher wondered whether this money
should be kept by the PSF or given to the project's mentor. After
some discussion, the consensus was to offer the money to mentors
but give them the option to let the PSF keep it; this way a mentor who
wants the PSF to keep the money doesn't have to declare $500 of
5. Web site redesign status
Tim Parkin is planning to unveil the new site design at EuroPython.
Some discussion followed about the payment schedule and about how
images for the site would be found.
6. Other issues
von Löwis asked Kaiser about the status of postal and fax contact
addresses for the PSF. Kaiser replied that the PO box is operational
and he is receiving mail. Neal Norwitz is also forwarding his mail to
Kaiser. Norwitz was using his private fax number for PSF purposes,
but Kaiser doesn't have a personal fax. Deibel suggested a fax
service that sends a PDF e-mail message for every fax received, and
Kaiser said he would look into such services.
Kuchling asked if there were any questions about the infrastructure
status report. Ascher wondered if it would be easy to populate the
Wiki with a page for every Summer of Code proposal, and Kuchling
promised to look into this.
Kuchling asked if there were any questions about the PyCon status
report. von Löwis asked what date was currently being planned;
Kuchling answered that the <REDACTED> university site requires
the date to be the week of March 26 (spring break). The Dallas
proposal offers a variety of dates, all in February, and the Chicago
group has not provided any concrete details. Hylton noted that one
person found it difficult to get a direct flight from California to
Dallas; Kuchling checked Yahoo! Travel and found a few such flights.
7. Adjournment.
The meeting was then adjourned.