The Python Software Foundation
Minutes of Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors
April 12, 2005
A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation (the "PSF") Board
of Directors was held over Internet Relay Chat at 17:00 GMT. Stephan Deibel
presided at the meeting.
1. Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the
meeting: David Ascher, Stephan Deibel, Tim Peters, Andrew Kuchling,
Jeremy Hylton, and Martin v. Löwis.
Kurt Kaiser and David G. also attended the meeting. von Löwis took minutes.
2. Meeting minutes of past meetings
The March minutes were approved with a 5-0-1 vote.
The minutes of the PyCon board meeting (on March 24) were approved with a 6-0-0
The December minutes were still missing. Goodger volunteered
to help with creating them from the IRC log.
3. Dissolving Committees
Deibel moved that it is
RESOLVED, that the Public Relations Committee is dissolved.
The motion passed with a 6-0-0 vote.
Deibel then asked whether the conference committee should also
be dissolved. Ascher said that it hasn't done much, but that it
would be good to have such a committee. Kuchling asked what
it is supposed to do. Hylton said it was there to make decisions,
instead of the conference chair, but that Steve Holden did not
like to operate that way. Deibel asked Kuchling whether he
wanted a committee, Ascher said that this isn't a question
that the conference chair should decide. Kuchling said that
he would be happy with committee, for discussion that cannot
be resolved in a larger group. von Löwis said he would prefer
if the board made the decisions that the conference chair
cannot make.
von Löwis proposed to dissolve the current committee, because
he did not want that committee to have power over the conference.
Kuchling proposed to reform the committee with himself,
Nick Bastin, Mark Hertel, and Steve Holden as the members.
There was discussion as to whether committee members need
to be PSF members; the bylaws say that this is a requirement.
The discussion concluded with an ACTION ITEM for
Ascher to propose a motion to reform the committee.
5. Vacant Director's Position
Deibel asked whether the vacant slot (after Guido van Rossum
resigned as a director) should be filled. He said that the
plan was to find somebody non-US, possibly non-male. There
was discussion, which concluded with no action at the moment.
If somebody showed a strong interest, the issue should be
6. Trademarks
Ascher asked what action is taken wrt. defending the corporation's
trade marks, specifically, whether input from Google or MSFT
lawyers was available. He said he volunteers to follow up with
Jim Hugunin and Chris DiBono if nobody can propose a better
strategy. He will educate himself about the subject and then
bring a proposal to the board.
7. Infrastructure
Kuchling reported that XS4ALL has offered two new machines to
host, and that Thomas Wouters has brought them
online. He will talk within the infrastructure committee what
the usage of these machines should be and how the current
services can migrate to the new hardware. Several board
members congratulated about this progress.
von Löwis asked whether the Python CVS would move to
these machines, and become Subversion in the process. Kuchling
said that it was out of the scope of this committee. Hylton
suggested that a Python development committee should be formed,
which would decide such questions. There was discussion about
this option, but no action was taken.
8. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 18:07 GMT.