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Paper Sessions Program

Here's the program for the paper sessions. Note that we've thrown in some invited presentations, a session of short presentations (10 minutes each), and a panel.

Breakfast, breaks and lunch are catered. All attendees are also invited to a Reception, Tuesday night (the night before) from 6 till 8 pm and to the Conference Banquet, Wednesday night, 7 pm.

Wednesday, October 15

8.00 am Registration opens (closes at 5.00 pm)
8.30 am breakfast
9.00 am Session: Welcome and Java
User-Centered Evolutionary Software Development Using Python and Java,
Douglas Cunningham, Carnegie Mellon University
Python and Java - The Best of Both Worlds,
Jim Hugunin, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
10.30 am coffee break
11.00 am Session: Scientific Computing
Feeding a Large-scale Physics Application to Python,
David M. Beazley and Peter S. Lomdahl, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Utah / Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Molecular Modelling Toolkit: a case study of a large scientific application in Python,
Konrad Hinsen, Laboratoire de Dynamique Moléculaire, Institut de Biologie Structurale
Experiences with Extension Programming and Scripting in Python,
Charles Anderson, IEOR Department, UC Berkeley
12.30 pm lunch
2.00 pm Session: The Real World
Case Study: Python in a Commercial Environment,
Greg Stein, Microsoft
Persistent Storage of Python Objects in Relational Databases,
Joel Shprentz, BDM Federal
Using Python With a Legacy System,
Jim Ahlstrom (invited talk)
3.30 pm tea break
4.00 pm Session: Short Talks
See separate call
5.30 pm adjourn
7.00 pm Conference Banquet

Thursday, October 16

8.00 am Registration opens (closes at 5.00 pm)
8.30 am breakfast
9.00 am Session: Programming Patterns
Design patterns in Python,
Vespe Savikko, Software Systems Laboratory, Tampere University of Technology
Implementing a Selective Undo Framework in Python,
Monty Zukowski, Zero to One Software Design
Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming in Python with ATOM,
Michael Papathomas and Anders Andersen, Computing Department, Lancaster University / NORUT IT
10.30 am coffee break
11.00 am Session: News Updates
What's new in Python for Windows platforms,
Mark Hammond (invited talk)
What's new in Python 1.5,
Guido van Rossum (invited talk)
12.30 pm lunch
2.00 pm Session: Potpourri
A Distributed Infrastructure for Mobile Computing,
A. Rakotonirainy and M. Chilvers, DSTC, University of Queensland
Internationalizing Python,
Martin von Löwis, Institut f�r Informatik, Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
A graphical MSC editor,
Marco Dierschke, Dept. of Computer Science, Humboldt-Universit�t zu Berlin
3.30 pm tea break
4.00 pm Panel: Commercial Opportunities for Python
5.30 pm adjourn