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Call for Papers - Python Workshop 5

Please submit papers to the PSA Steering Committee by October 7th, 1996. (Of course we'll slip it if you absolutely can't get the paper written by this date.)

The paper should be submitted in an HTML format and if possible also in Postscript. If it is multiple pages please be sure the URLs use relative addresses between the pages.

Because of the short notice we realize that it will be difficult to finish papers before the date of the workshop. It is acceptable to not do a paper and just do a presentation at the meeting.

An overhead projector will be available. Send an email request if you need any additional equipment.

If your presentation is on a new extension then tutorial papers would be a good format. All papers will be add to the PSA Workshop archives, when they are received. Please try to do a writeup after the workshop if you can't write a paper before the workshop.