A Generic data collection system through WWW forms, based on a
Python OOD program.
An updated version of this paper is available in postscript .
One of the problems associated with modern data management is the
efficient collection and validation of data from providers of information.
WWW browsers, able to support forms provide an
excellent, machine independent interface for collectiong data through the
network. When the information to be provided is rich and complex, a robust
program on the server side should provide the user with a friendly
interface that breaks the complex task into smaller, more managable tasks
and on the other hand act as a powerful pre-filter, scanning errors
Albeit some limitations which are a consequence of the server-client
phylosophy, object oriented programs are especially efficient for
interfacing with WWW forms.
Described here is a generic, object oriented data submission system,
entirely based on the Python programming language. This system can be
easily accomodated to serve several data submission schemes with a
relatively short development and implantation time.
This system already
serves successfuly in the EMBL outstation -
the European Bioinformatics
Iinstitute (EBI). It caters one of the
world's largest biology databases - EMBL
as well as a few others.
Written by Benny shomer, The EBI.