Python Parser Generators

The available Python systems are (roughly in order from the oldest to newest):

  • Simpleparse
  • Scott Cotton's PyLR.
  • SPARK, by John Aycock.
  • BisonGen, by Fourthought, Inc.
  • Plex, by Greg Ewing. Plex is a Python module for constructing lexical analysers, or scanners. Plex scanners have almost all the capabilities of the scanners generated by GNU Flex, and are specified in a very similar way.
  • PLY
  • Toy Parser Generator, by Christophe Delord. Despite the name, this parser generator is no toy, and can be used for real applications.
  • PyParsing, by Paul McGuire.
  • PyGgy, by Tim Newsham

Martin von Loewis presented a paper at Python10, titled "Towards a Standard Parser Generator", that surveyed the available parser generators for Python.