Re: Things I'd like to see in python...
Mon, 25 Jul 1994 16:39:23 +0200

> BTW, is this list archived somewhere?

Yes, ftp to, cd to pub/python and look at files with mail
in their names (or read the INDEX file).

> 1) An execvp. Did someone just do this, or was I dreaming?

Lance posted a C patch to posixmodule.c, but if you use os instead of
posix (and you should, for portability!), there's an execvp
implemented in Python there.

> 2) Some means of setting an SO_KEEPALIVE on a socket. It looks
> slightly like socket.setsockopt wants a (python) string value, while
> I want to pass a (char *)0? (at least, that's how I've done it
> in C). I looked over the struct module, and didn't see a way of
> creating such a thing. Has anyone set an SO_KEEPALIVE from python?

There are some examples of nasty socket option settings in
Demo/socket/, maybe these give you some hints on how to do
this (I really don't know anything about SO_KEEPALIVE).

> 3) Some means of doing general radix conversions. This seems like
> something someone would've done a Long time ago

You're the first to ask about it. The C code provides a base option
to the string-to-number-or-back conversions, but this is not
accessible from Python. I suppose that a slow version is easily coded
in Python though...

> Also, I wouldn't complain a bit if that syslog module made it into
> 1.0.4...

Sure will!

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>