Re: Python Tutorial Questions
Mon, 25 Jul 1994 16:34:23 +0200

> (1) Does Python have a garbage collector built in or do I have to
> manage my own memory with the del() operator?

You don't need to manage your own memory *except* if you create
circular data structures, since Python's garbage collection is based
on a simple-minded reference counting scheme.

> (2) The tutorial mentions compiled files with the pyc extension but
> always quoted the word compiled. Is the code really compiled to be
> faster running in some way or does it just load faster?

It is not any faster to run -- it just loads a lot faster (the Python
parser is rather slow).

> NOTE: I love the syntax used especially the use of indentation to mark
> blocks. It reminds me of autoindented lisp but without all the paren's.

Glad you like it!

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>