python-dev Summary for 2005-08-16 through 2005-08-31

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


PyPy release 0.7.0

PyPy has a new release, 0.7.0, which is now a fully self-contained Python implementation. It includes whole-program type inference and translation to both C and LLVM, a choice of refcounting or Boehm garbage collectors, language-level compliancy with CPython 2.4.1 and much more. If you haven't already, now's the time to check it out!

Contributing thread:


New mailbox module

Gregory K. Johnson, who's been working with A.M. Kuchling for Google's Summer of Code, has completed a new version of the mailbox module that allows the adding and removing of messages. It will be double-checked for code quality, complete documentation, and full backwards-compatibility and then hopefully checked in.

Contributing thread:




Terry Reedy suggested that str.find() be removed in Python 3.0, in favour of str.index(); the main issue with str.find() is that it returns -1 on failure, leading to the common "if s.find(sub):" bug (which should be "if sub in s:"); -1 is also a valid index into a string. Guido agreed that removal would be a good idea, however Tim Peters pointed out that the requirement to use a try/except clause can lead to another kind of sloppy code.

Raymond Hettinger suggested that the ideal solution would be to replace str.find() with new methods, str.partition() and str.rpartition(), which work like:

>>> s = '' 
>>> s.partition('://')
('http', '://', '')
>>> s.rpartition('.')
(' http://www.python',  '.', 'org')
>>> s.partition('?')
(''',  '', '')

Replacing str.find() with str.partition() in the standard library generally resulted in much cleaner and clearer code, without requiring the addition of try/except blocks. Comments were overwhelmingly in favour of this new method.

"part" and "cut" were suggested as alternative names to "partition", although Raymond is very attached to the "partition" name.

Contributing threads:


PEP 348: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0

This fortnight saw the final demise of PEP 348. This began with Guido's agreement to remove bare "except:" from Python 3.0 entirely. Introducing a transition plan for this change in Python 3.0 proved problematic, however. To quote Michael Chermside, "no syntax will work in BOTH 2.5 and 3.0". For example, the proposed Python 3.0 code:

    my_result = call_some_library(my_data)
except Exception: # doesn't catch KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit

would need to be written in Python 2.5 as:

    my_result = call_some_library(my_data)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):

Note that the final except: in the 2.5 code can't be written as except Exception: - Python 2.5 will still allow exceptions that do not derive from Exception (e.g. string exceptions). Thus deprecating bare except: would mean that some code would produce warnings, and yet not have any way to be rewritten that would be upwards-compatible.

As a result, Guido rejected the entire PEP.

Contributing threads:


PEP 347: Migrating the Python CVS to Subversion

Discussion about the conversion to subversion and subsequent move of the Python source repository to (outlined in PEP 347) continued this fortnight. Discussion particularly covered the means of authentication that would be used to access, how names would appear in revision logs, and other minor details like that. Martin has set up a test installation (for current Python developers; there is no anonymous access) on, to check that the system will work as described in the PEP. Assuming that things go well with this test installation, it seems likely that the PEP will be accepted and the migration will take place at some point in the future.

Contributing threads:


Partial method application

Ian Bicking suggested a partialmethod() function along the lines of the operator module's itemgetter() and attrgetter(). The partialmethod() function would allow the "self" argument of a method to be supplied later, e.g.:

lst = ['A', 'b', 'C']

Martin v. Löwis argued (convincing Guido at least) that a better style for delayed method calls would look something like:


where the "virtual" object would serve as a virtual instance so that the "self" argument to the "lower" method could be supplied later.

There was a brief discussion about consistency between this proposal and the operator module's itemgetter() and attrgetter() which, unlike Martin's proposal, use argument strings instead of attributes to determine the appropriate function to produce. Additionally, in Python 2.5, both itemgetter() and attrgetter() will allow multiple arguments, while none of the method-calling solutions above extended reasonably to multiple methods. However, people seemed in general agreement that the use case was a single method call, and that supporting multiple method calls was unnecessary.

The thread concluded without coming to a full resolution. For the moment at least, it seems that defining a regular Python function for the key= argument is still considered the best style.

Contributing thread:


Moving id() to the sys module

Christian Robottom Reis suggested that the built-in function id() should be moved into the sys module, as "id" is a useful and common name, to avoid shadowing built-ins. This is also list as one of Guido's regrets. He asked whether adding would be possible in 2.5, and adding a deprecation warning to (to be removed in Python 3.0).

This gathered quite a lot of support, and few comments against the proposal. However, Anthony Baxter warned that using the warnings module is expensive, and so issuing a deprecation warning might not be a good idea.

Interestingly, Guido's opinion (not universally shared) is that shadowing at least some built-in names is perfectly acceptable. It wasn't clear whether this meant that he would be against the move, or that his reasons for the move were diferent (e.g. simply a more appropriate place, reducing the number of built-ins).

Contributing thread:


O(N**2) behavior in StreamReader.readline

Keir Mierle reported a problem where _PyUnicodeUCS2_IsLinebreak was called excessively, resulting in a huge slowdown of a CGI script. The code that caused the slowdown was adding the encoding line "# -- coding: iso8859-1 --"; this is caused by changes to codecs in 2.4, which no longer rely on C's readline() to do line splitting, but use unicode.splitlines() instead, and also that StreamReader.readline performs splitline on the entire input, only to fetch the first line, and also uses splitlines on a single line to remove any trailing line breaks. As a result, for a file with N lines, IsLinebreak is invoked up to N*N/2 times per character.

Walter Dörwald and Martin v. Löwis worked on solutions to this problem. Martin's eventual solution keeps the splitlines result and only invokes IsLinebreak once per character, and copies each character only one. This should be much faster than the current code.

Contributing threads:


PEP 349: Allow str() to return unicode strings

Neil Schemenauer updated PEP 349, which had previously proposed a text() builtin, to instead propose that str() be allowed to return unicode strings. The new str() would remove two types of UnicodeEncodeErrors that str() had previously raised:

  • No UnicodeEncodeError would be raised if the argument to str() is unicode. Instead, the unicode object would be returned unmodified.
  • No UnicodeEncodeError would be raised if the argument's __str__() method returns a unicode object. Instead, this returned object would be in turn returned from the str() call.

In the following brief discussion, it was suggested that unicode.__str__ should be changed to return "self" instead of trying to encode itself into ascii. (Otherwise subclasses of unicode would likely get UnicodeEncodeErrors when their __str__() methods were called.)

There was a little feedback on the proposal, with a few people wanting to go back to the text() builtin instead of changing str(), but no final decisions were made.

Contributing thread:


One argument form of setdefault()

Tim Peters asked if anyone remembered why setdefault's second argument is optional, given that it doesn't seem at all useful, and that he wasn't able to find any use cases outside of the test suite. The likely explanation seemed that it was a result of setdefault() following the behaviour of dict.get(). Tim suggested dropping the optional nature of the second argument for Python 3.0 - Raymond upped this by suggesting that it could be done earlier (e.g. with a deprecation warning in 2.5 and gone in 2.6).

Tim did later find a use (in Zope), but the author of the code, David Goodger, indicated that it would probably be better written in other ways, and that if dict.pop() could be used (it was introduced in Python 2.3) then that would be preferable, so it still seems likely that the second argument will be made mandatory.

Contributing thread:


dir() returning non-strings

As a result of a suggested patch by Michael Krasnyk, the question of whether dir() should only return strings was raised. Guido's position was that dir() should hide non-strings, as these are not attributes if you use the definition that an attribute name is a valid parameter to a getattr() or setattr() call. Guido suggested that a useful relationship (excluding where __getattr__ or __getattribute__ is overridden) is:

name in dir(x) <==> getattr(x, name) is valid

Contributing threads:



Raymond Hettinger wanted to move away from the current empty-string API that file objects use for indicating that the end of the file has been reached. To cover at least some of the use-cases, he suggested a readblocks() method, so that code like:

while 1:
    block =
    if line == '':

could be instead written as:

for block in f.readblocks(20):

Guido couldn't see a use case for this though, and suggested that there were other issues with files/streams that were more important (e.g. buffering transparency and character set encodings) some of which he'd been working on in the sandbox.

Contributing thread:


Python 3.0 design principles

Raymond Hettinger is planning to put together a draft list of Python design principles. For example, "don't let the type of the return value depend on the value of the arguments". These will complement the Zen of Python, and provide a document to refer people to when proposing new/changed features.

Although in design principle discussion, there has been discussion about the Python 2.x->Python 3.0 transition, and whether it will be possible to write code that runs in both Python 2.x and 3.0.


Contributing threads:


This is a summary of traffic on the python-dev mailing list from August 16, 2005 through August 31, 2005. It is intended to inform the wider Python community of on-going developments on the list on a semi-monthly basis. An archive of previous summaries is available online.

An RSS feed of the titles of the summaries is available. You can also watch comp.lang.python or comp.lang.python.announce for new summaries (or through their email gateways of python-list or python-announce, respectively, as found at

This is the 2nd summary written by the python-dev summarisers Steve Bethard and Tony Meyer.

To contact us, please send email:

  • Steve Bethard (steven.bethard at
  • Tony Meyer (tony.meyer at

Do not post to comp.lang.python if you wish to reach us.

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Commenting on Topics

To comment on anything mentioned here, just post to comp.lang.python (or email python-list at python dot org which is a gateway to the newsgroup) with a subject line mentioning what you are discussing. All python-dev members are interested in seeing ideas discussed by the community, so don't hesitate to take a stance on something. And if all of this really interests you then get involved and join python-dev!

How to Read the Summaries

The in-development version of the documentation for Python can be found at and should be used when looking up any documentation for new code; otherwise use the current documentation as found at . PEPs (Python Enhancement Proposals) are located at . To view files in the Python CVS online, go to . Reported bugs and suggested patches can be found at the SourceForge project page.

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