Python User Groups

Here is a listing of Python user groups. If your group isn't listed or if your information is out of date, please write If your group has a special event you'd like to see listed on the Events page, please write

Python User Groups are sometimes called PIGgies, for Python Interest Group meetings. The term PIGgies was coined by the Bay Area PIGgies group.

O'Reilly's ONLamp published an article about user groups.

If there isn't an organized user group for your area listed on this page, check the list of Python Meetups and see if there's a Meetup in your area.

USA (west to east)


  • Mailing list for Australian Python users.

  • SAPIG - The Sydney Australia Python Interest Group. SAPIG is, while not restricted to Python on Linux, a Special Interest Group of the Sydney Linux Users Group (SLUG), and would like to thank SLUG for its support.


  • OPAG - Ottawa Python Authors Group. A group devoted to learning, using and providing resources for Python. OPAG also serves as a general gathering place for Python programmers from the Ottawa region and beyond.
  • PyGTA - the Toronto Python/Zope User Group meets regularly to explore the expanding world of Python and Zope.
  • VanPyZ - Vancouver Python/Zope.
  • Alain Caron is organizing a bilingual group in Montreal.
