Linux RPMs for Python 2.2.2

Except where noted, these RPMs are made available by Sean Reifschneider (

Having Problems?

If you are having problems, please see the RPM Frequently Asked Questions section at the end of this document for possible solutions.

RPMs For Other Platforms

For platforms in which binaries aren't available here, you can easily build binary RPMs directly from the Python source tar file. Simply download it and run "rpmbuild -ta Python-2.2.2.tgz". Note toward the end of the output, the lines starting with "Wrote:" indicate where the binary RPMs were written.

The benefit of building binary RPMs in this way is that they are built using exactly the set of libraries and versions of packages that you have installed on your system. Because the SRPMs encompass all the steps required to build binary RPMs, it is a "fire and forget" process -- the simplest source build ever...


  • Signature:
    • Many of the following packages were signed with the GPG key in KRUD-GPG-KEY
  • Source:
    • The base Python tar-file has a problem that prevents it from being built as an RPM. Use the following instead:
    • python2.2.2-2.2.2-1.src.rpm ( Source RPM, 6667399 bytes)
  • Red Hat 8.0, Red Hat RPM:
  • SuSE 8.1 RPM:

    Files, MD5 checksums and sizes

      Source ( SRPM)
       cee208ea027bbe4634ab7d8b313d86e6 python2.2.2-2.2.2-1.src.rpm (6667399 bytes)
      Red Hat 8.0 (based on Red Hat's SRPM)
       ff9660dde4d5f736c42409c8815f1634 python-2.2.2-7.src.rpm (6952435 bytes)
       4263943b81be5554df3f8c10a5ff406a python-2.2.2-7.i386.rpm (4221481 bytes)
       e8876066aa09f7faaa6f65cef454d154 python-devel-2.2.2-7.i386.rpm (1120252 bytes)
       53cda5b684e1fdbacd45d54af7030fbd python-docs-2.2.2-7.i386.rpm (1805611 bytes)
       5df2626864e7ebd873d21eac137f86de python-tools-2.2.2-7.i386.rpm (35856 bytes)
       7dd780a09e58609bf2cb4ce1432e0196 tkinter-2.2.2-7.i386.rpm (265454 bytes)
       62ec85229cbf98af26abfef81cf8b17d sip-3.3.2-4tummy.src.rpm (161437 bytes)
       b96bb61ce8428d31d485d1da8cf5dffa sip-3.3.2-4tummy.i386.rpm (97762 bytes)
       141405d7d7eea35e3494e0ca11373aa6 sip-devel-3.3.2-4tummy.i386.rpm (9889 bytes)

    RPM Frequently Asked Questions

    • Q) Why I try to run "rpmbuild -ta Python-2.2.2.tgz", I get the error: "error: File /root/Python-2.2.2b1.tgz: No such file or directory".
    • A) Yes, there's a problem with the .spec file in the base tar file. Use the SRPM that is on this page...
    • Q) When running "rpm -ba", "rpm -ta" or "rpm --rebuild" I get the error "-ba: unknown option" or "--rebuild: unknown option" or "-ta: unknown option".
    • A) With the Red Hat 8.0 release, the building options were removed from the "rpm" command. Use the "rpmbuild" command instead ("rpmbuild -ta Python-2.2.2.tgz").
    • Q) I'm getting the "-ba: unknown option" when trying to build RPMs using distutils "python bdist_rpm".
    • A) As noted above, Red Hat broke the "build" functionality out of the base "rpm" command with the 8.0 release. Unfortunately, they didn't patch their python RPM to account for this, and they don't appear to be planning to release any errata to fix this. If you upgrade to the 2.2.2-7 RPMs on this page, distutils should work. Note that this seems to be fixed in the Red Hat 9 release (which uses Python 2.2.2, which has a patched distutils).
    • Q) When trying to build RPMs, I get "rpmbuild: command not found".
    • A) The "rpmbuild" command is part of a separate RPM "rpm-build". You will need to install this package before you can build RPMs.