If you have backported packages, you'd like to share, by
all means, send them in. Our requirements aren't that high. You
need to have a gpg key in the official Debian keyring. Please
describe detailed what you did to get that package compile on
stable. That's what the package changelog is for. Pick out a
package and check it's changelog for an example. Reduce the
Debian version by one, and add a string like backports.org.1
(prefered one, so it's clear where this backport comes from) to
it, if this is the first release of that backport. For
example, if you backport libfoo_1.2.3-4, the backport will be
libfoo_1.2.3-3.backports.org.1, and you can raise the last
number when you fix bugs in your backports.