Date: Sat, 13 May 1995 22:56:43 CDT
From: (Stan Barber)
Subject: BETA of wu-ftpd-2.4.1

A beta of the wu-ftpd-2.4.1 is now available. It contains changes to permit
the software to compile and work on Solaris 2.4, Unixware and BSDOS 1.1.

It contains patches to hostacc.c for Linux from Jaakko Hyvatti.
It contains patches for PASV clients that never connect from Dan Thorson.

The URL is:

REMEMBER, this is a BETA. There may be bugs. Please report them to me or
 xto the list. In particular, I want to be sure this works well on
Unixware and Solaris 2.4. It also should work on other System V Release 4 
systems. I'd like managers of thos systems to check that out as well.

Stan   | Academ Consulting Services        |internet:
Olan   | For more info on academ, see this |uucp: bcm!academ!sob
Barber | URL- |Opinions expressed are only mine.