Formats for IPP Registration Proposals In order to propose an IPP extension for registration, the proposer must submit an application to IANA by email to "" or by filling out the appropriate form on the IANA web pages ( This section specifies the required information and the formats for proposing registrations of extensions to IPP as provided in Section 6 for: 1. type2 'keyword' attribute values 2. type3 'keyword' attribute values 3. type2 'enum' attribute values 4. type3 'enum' attribute values 5. attributes 6. attribute syntaxes 7. operations 8. status codes Type2 keyword attribute values registration Type of registration: type2 keyword attribute value Name of attribute to which this keyword specification is to be added: Proposed keyword name of this keyword value: Specification of this keyword value (follow the style of IPP Model Section Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For type2 keywords, the Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Type3 keyword attribute values registration Type of registration: type3 keyword attribute value Name of attribute to which this keyword specification is to be added: Proposed keyword name of this keyword value: Specification of this keyword value (follow the style of IPP Model Section Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For type3 keywords, the proposer will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Type2 enum attribute values registration Type of registration: type2 enum attribute value Name of attribute to which this enum specification is to be added: Keyword symbolic name of this enum value: Numeric value (to be assigned by the IPP Designated Expert in consultation with IANA): Specification of this enum value (follow the style of IPP Model Section 4.1.4): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For type2 enums, the Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Type3 enum attribute values registration Type of registration: type3 enum attribute value Name of attribute to which this enum specification is to be added: Keyword symbolic name of this enum value: Numeric value (to be assigned by the IPP Designated Expert in consultation with IANA): Specification of this enum value (follow the style of IPP Model Section 4.1.4): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For type3 enums, the proposer will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Attribute registration Type of registration: attribute Proposed keyword name of this attribute: Types of attribute (Operation, Job Template, Job Description, Printer Description): Operations to be used with if the attribute is an operation attribute: Object (Job, Printer, etc. if bound to an object): Attribute syntax(es) (include 1setOf and range as in Section 4.2): If attribute syntax is 'keyword' or 'enum', is it type2 or type3: If this is a Printer attribute, MAY the value returned depend on "document-format" (See Section 6.2): If this is a Job Template attribute, how does its specification depend on the value of the "multiple-document-handling" attribute: Specification of this attribute (follow the style of IPP Model Section 4.2): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For attributes, the IPP Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Attribute Syntax registration Type of registration: attribute syntax Proposed name of this attribute syntax: Type of attribute syntax (integer, octetString, character-string, see [RFC2565]): Numeric value (to be assigned by the IPP Designated Expert in consultation with IANA): Specification of this attribute (follow the style of IPP Model Section 4.1): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For attribute syntaxes, the IPP Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Operation registration Type of registration: operation Proposed name of this operation: Numeric operation-id value (to be assigned by the IPP Designated Expert in consultation with IANA): Object Target (Job, Printer, etc. that operation is upon): Specification of this attribute (follow the style of IPP Model Section 3): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For operations, the IPP Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Attribute Group registration Type of registration: attribute group Proposed name of this attribute group: Numeric tag according to [RFC2565] (to be assigned by the IPP Designated Expert in consultation with IANA): Operation requests and group number for each operation in which the attribute group occurs: Operation responses and group number for each operation in which the attribute group occurs: Specification of this attribute group (follow the style of IPP Model Section 3): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For attribute groups, the IPP Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed. Status code registration Type of registration: status code Keyword symbolic name of this status code value: Numeric value (to be assigned by the IPP Designated Expert in consultation with IANA): Operations that this status code may be used with: Specification of this status code (follow the style of IPP Model Section 14 APPENDIX B: Status Codes and Suggested Status Code Messages): Name of proposer: Address of proposer: Email address of proposer: Note: For status codes, the Designated Expert will be the point of contact for the approved registration specification, if any maintenance of the registration specification is needed.