Date: Fri, 18 Oct 1996 17:42:28 +0300 (EDT) From: flexstor@ozone.FMI.FI To: Subject: Registration of MIME media type Text/vnd.fmi.flexstor MIME media type name: Text MIME subtype name: vnd.FMI.FLEXSTOR Required parameters: none Optional parameters: version-major, version-minor, charset, table-prefix, table-minor, table-major version-major is MAJOR number from the first line flexstor MAJOR MINOR version-minor is MINOR number from the first line flexstor MAJOR MINOR charset is a coded character set used in the media type. Because flexstor's grammar allows only use of US-ASCII, only comments may contain characters beyond US-ASCII. This registration refers flexstor format with MAJOR = 1 and MINOR = 0. In the first line of flexstor -format there may be also information on used symbol table and version of symbol table. In that case the first line is flexstor MAJOR MINOR TABLE_PREFIX TABLEMINOR TABLEMAJOR table-prefix is TABLE_PREFIX from the first line flexstor MAJOR MINOR TABLE_PREFIX TABLEMINOR TABLEMAJOR table-minor is TABLEMINOR from the first line flexstor MAJOR MINOR TABLE_PREFIX TABLEMINOR TABLEMAJOR table-major is TABLEMAJOR from the first line flexstor MAJOR MINOR TABLE_PREFIX TABLEMINOR TABLEMAJOR Notice: File-name should be given in Content-Disposation -header, as described in RFC 1806: 1806 E R. Troost, S. Dorner, "Communicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header", 06/07/1995. (Pages=8) (Format=.txt) Encoding considerations: FLEXSTOR is US-ASCII only format, but it allows very long lines. If there are lines not too long and there are no characters beyond US-ASCII in comments, then '7bit' encoding is sufficient. If there are lines too long, then 'quoted-printable' encoding can be used. Security considerations: FLEXSTOR format is a data format and does not include executable code in any form. 'include' directive allows refering to other files. Parser of FLEXSTOR should check that no references otside the allowed data directory tree occur. Interoperability considerations: It is of great importance that both data providers and developers of data analysis tools agree on a symbol name and identifier convention and stick to it. In practice this means that document, which describes the used symbol table, is required. Published specification: Flexstor format ducument with MAJOR = 1 and MINOR = 0 is available with ( Latest version of this document are available with ) Applications which use this media type: UVRAPPF / SUVDAMA database ( Additional information: Magic number(s): Format starts with string "flexstor". File extension(s): Generally "flx", but documents describing certain symbol table may allocate their own set of extensions. Macintosh File Type Code(s): none The canonical format: Flexstor data format treats CRLF, CR and LF as end of line. End of line presentation for the canonical format is CRLF. In canonical format CR and LF is not allowed outside of end of line. Rationale for version numbers of FLEXSTOR format: If the parser detects the MINOR number and only the MINOR number to be greater than the one(s) the parser supports, it knows that it perhaps fails parsing the file. However, if it succeeds in parsing the file, it knows that the resulting interpretation is the same as intended by the data submitter. If the parser detects the MAJOR number to be greater than the one(s) the parser supports, it knows that parsing of the file, even when performed succesfully, does not result in an interpretation guaranteed to be the same as intended by the data submitter. Person & email address to contact for further information: flexstor@ozone.FMI.FI Kari E. Hurtta Arve Kylling Intended usage: LIMITED USE This is intended to use in SUVDAMA and UVRAPPF -projects. This media type is useful both in MIME mail and in HTTP -protocol (WWW). Author/Change controller: flexstor@ozone.FMI.FI