From Sun Jan 25 07:50:41 1998 To: iana@ISI.EDU Subject: Mime type registration for prs.lines.tag MIME media type name: text MIME subtype name: prs.lines.tag Required parameters: none Optional parameters: none Encoding considerations: 7bit. Security considerations: The openness of the tag format enables a tag message to be checked for validity easily. Applications which read tag types should check that the values that they are being presented with are valid. Overall using tag types should be more secure that passing application specific data around. Interoperability considerations: The rules for tag type labels are the same as for mail headers. Published specification: Applications which use this media type: There are a set of utilities for handling tag streams at including tag2html - converts a tag file to html. tagextract - extracts tagged records matching some conditions Additional information: Magic numbers: All tag data streams start Tag-xxx-version - where xxx is the particular tag type. File extensions: Suggest .tag for general purpose tag files, .dsc is used for tag descriptor files Person & email address to contact for further information: John Lines Intended usage: COMMON Author/Change controller: John Lines The text/prs.lines.tag MIME type is intended to convey the type of data which is usually carried in mail messages in forms such as the MIME type registration form, but in a more structured manner. As an example the preceding registration template is repeated at in the form of a series of tags. The description for the mimetype tag format can be found at and the format of the mimetypes.dsc file is described in