MIME type name: message MIME subtype name: news Required parameters: none Optional parameters: none Encoding considerations: same as message/rfc822 Security considerations: News articles may constitute "control messages", which can have effects on a host's news system beyond just addition of information. Since control messages may occur in normal news flow, most hosts are suitably defended against undesired effects already, but transmission of news articles via mail may bypass firewall-type defenses. Reading a news article transmitted by mail involves no hazards beyond those of mail, but submitting it to news software for processing should be done with care. Published specification: RFC 1036 Person & email address to contact for further information: Henry Spencer henry@zoo.toronto.edu Comments: The intent here is to define a standard way of transmitting news articles via mail for human reading. Message/rfc822 is not sufficient because the headers of news articles have semantics beyond those defined by RFC 822. Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology henry@zoo.toronto.edu utzoo!henry