MIME TYPE NAME: application MIME SUBTYPE NAME: Vendor subtree - vnd.vividence.scriptfile REQUIRED PARAMETERS: A version number is required. The format for this version number can be specified as or . The following examples would be valid version numbers: 6 14.5 OPTIONAL PARAMETERS: None ENCODING CONSIDERATIONS: Vividence Scriptfile files are ASCII streams transmitted via HTTP. Encoding may optionally be used to protect the contents from damage during transport. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS: This media type cannot contain executable content and thus cannot cause harm directly. When parsed by the recipient system, it instructs the client software on which activities to monitor -- since this client software operates as read-only, it cannot cause harm to the recipient system. INTEROPERABILITY CONSIDERATIONS: None PUBLISHED SPECIFICATION: Not available APPLICATIONS WHICH USE THIS MEDIA TYPE: Vividence Browser Vividence Argus ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Magic number: none File extensions: .vsf, .vtd, .vd Macintosh File Type Code: CREATOR: VVTD INTENDED USAGE: Limited use AUTHOR: Mark Risher (markr@vividence.com) Vividence Inc., 1850 Gateway Dr. #500 San Mateo, CA 94404 (Created 12/27/00) []