MIME type name: application MIME subtype name: news-transmission Required parameters: none Optional parameters: CONVERSIONS, as for application/octet-stream Encoding considerations: Use of MIME base64 encoding is strongly encouraged to ensure intact transmission. Security considerations: News articles may constitute "control messages", which can have effects on a host's news system beyond just addition of information. Since control messages may occur in normal news flow, most hosts are suitably defended against undesired effects already. Published specification: RFC 1036 Person & email address to contact for further information: Henry Spencer henry@zoo.toronto.edu Comments: The intent here is to define a standard way of transmitting news articles or batches via mail, in situations where this is the transmission route of last resort for ongoing news feeds. Numerous ad-hoc ways of doing this are already in use, most of them inferior to use of MIME for the purpose. Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology henry@zoo.toronto.edu utzoo!henry