From RFC 2652 application/index.obj To: Subject: Registration of MIME media type application/index.obj MIME media type name: application MIME subtype name: index.obj Required parameters: type, dsi, base-uri Optional parameters: none Encoding considerations: none Security considerations: Security considerations come into play in at least the following two scenarios. Indexing information can leak undesirable amounts of proprietary information, unless carefully controlled. At a more fundamental level, the CIP protocol itself requires external security services to operate in a safe manner. Both topics are covered below. Interoperability considerations: Implementors should handle unknown index objects according to rules specified in the published specification. Published specification: RFC 2652 Applications which use this media type: This media type is the top of a tree of media types that express indexes that are exchanged between hosts that operate within a referral mesh. Additional information: This media type is not a standalone type. It is the top of a tree similar to the vnd and prs trees specified in Section 2.1 of RFC2048. Types registered within this tree are limited to being representations of indexes that contain some summary of the data found in some database and is used to generate referrals as specified in the above specified publication. Person & email address to contact for further information: Intended usage: LIMITED USE Author/Change controller: