The Application/EDIFACT MIME body-part contains data as specified for electronic data interchange by [FACT, FACV]. Within EDIFACT, information is specified by: MIME type name: Application MIME subtype name: EDIFACT Required parameters: none Optional parameters: CHARSET, as defined for MIME Encoding considerations: May need BASE64 or QUOTED-PRINTABLE transfer encoding Security considerations: See separate section in the document. Published specification: Contained in the following section. Rationale: The EDIFACT specifications are accepted standards for a class of inter-organization transactions; this permits their transmission over the Internet, via email. Contact-info: See Contact section, below. Detail specific to MIME-based usage: This is a generic mechanism for sending any EDIFACT interchange. The object is self-defining, in terms of indicating which specific EDI objects are included. Most EDI data is textual, but special characters such as some delimiters may be non-printable ASCII or some data may be pure binary. For EDI objects containing such data, the MIME transfer mechanism may need to encode the object in Content- Transfer-Encoding:quoted-printable or base64.