To: Subject: Registration of new values for the GSTN address qualif-type1 element "ZIP" qualif-type1 "keyword" name: ZIP qualif-type1 "value" ABNF definition: string = PCHAR Description of Use: To specify Postal ZIP code (example: I 34012). See for further details. Use Restriction: none. Security Considerations: See the Security Consideration section of . Person & email address to contact for further information: Claudio Allocchio INFN-GARR c/o Sincrotrone Trieste SS 14 Km 163.5 Basovizza I 34012 Trieste Italy RFC822: X.400: C=it;A=garr;P=Trieste;O=Elettra; S=Allocchio;G=Claudio; Phone: +39 040 3758523 Fax: +39 040 3758565