Pythonic Build

Mark Wilson, Bibliocraft Ltd




Build is a software framework designed for the development of multimedia applications, which uses Python as a scripting language.

Build currently exists as an executable running under Microsoft Windows from which the user can create and edit Build documents using a graphical editing environment. These documents can be populated with a wide variety of user-interface objects, ranging from simple ones such as pictures and borders, through to the more complex such as scrolling text. Further user interface component types can be defined using Python.

Python is also used to define the functionality behind these interfaces. A wide variety of predefined behaviours is present within Build itself and these can be extended through user defined Python scripts. Build can also be used in conjunction with 3rd party Python libraries.

Build can be put to a wide variety of uses. Multimedia presentations are easily assembled using the framework. It is also useful as a tool for the creation of desktop utility programs. More complex applications can be built with more extensive Python scripting.

The aim of the demonstration is to give a concise overview of the capabilities of Build, and to provide an introduction to the manner in which Build applications are created, with the focus primarily on graphical and user-interface components. We will also demonstrate a number of projects undertaken with Build, including a multimedia database using Gadfly, some multimedia presentations, and a variety of in-house production tools.