Python Progress Report Session
Session Chair: Roger Masse
Panel Discussion on "What's Next"
Panel: Ted Strollo, Mark Hammond, Jim Ahlstrom, Mike Mclay, Paul Everitt
Moderator: Barry Warsaw
- Panelists stories:
- Paul: uses python for development on a contract basis
- Mark: uses python purely for windows - high volume
not really interesting in anything that's not native l&f
- Jim: started using python to interface to lagacy code to
windows. A way of using more modern data storage
- Ted: CNRI's interest in python. Knowbot project (code
mobility) and we just love the language
- Mike: pushing the STEP? standard which is a
product exchange standard. let's try using a tool as
the mechanism for standard interfacing. (e.g. a printed
circuit board as a python constructor)
- build in usage protection and royalty collection into
download protocol
- PSA formed out of the LEOMA (Laser and Electro-optics
Manf. Association) model
- PSA as a quality control monitor
- Let's turn it around: "What can we do?"
- Question and Answer
- Q: what's being done on the convergence of DLL's for the
various python ports for windows?
- A: for the python core it's 99% there
- Q: Do you develop on NT or 95?
- A: NT and compile 95 binaries
- Mark: the native look and feel issue is the most important
thing to gain acceptance in the windows market
- Jim: There is no good 3.11 port for python win32s is
slow even with alot of memory, so a native 16bit app is
the only *real* way to go, then you have all the addressing
- The DLL for core python *may* get done if slight differences
in console input/output can be addressed
- Q: From a language issue, is there anything missing?
- Paul: the language should not be a topic for the panel
- Barry: A nice addition to the core library would be ILU or SYLU
- Assertion: if we had a native l&f module that worked on every
platform, we'd be better than *any* other language
- Ken: last workshop's GUI session agreed that a base-line GUI
(runs everywhere) in addition to the full blown platform
dependant issues
- Q: what are perceived impediments
- Assertion: a common Object class like objective-C with methods
like super for all objects
- Response super can't be done with MI
- Licencing Issues: Q: Is the fact that Grail downloads source
a hinderince to commercial ventures?
- Mark: Yes but so is cost (why Java is both good and bad)
good that it obfuscates the source, bad cause it costs
I'd like grail to grok pyc files, cause that's how I'd like
to distribute software
- SGI has taken python and changed it's name to momba?
but that have contributed there plans back to the PSA but
did not give credit to python or Guido... but (on the other
hand) it was a very small research
- Infoseek uses python, has enhance python performance, and gives
alot of publicity to python
- Proposal: GNU copyleft for Grail? CWI copyright for Python?
- There have been quite a few companys that have been successful
basing their products on gnu
- Ted: Grail licencing. We did not want the likes of Microsoft
or some other big organization with deep pockets to
take over grail. At the same time, Bob is
sensitive to commercial requirment for use of Grail
- Proposal: require contributed software to have a certain
copyright structure
- Paul: what can the PSA do better?, documenting things?
- Jim Fulton: I think we should have more contact with USENIX
- On having a very visible todo list
to facilitate more voluteer work
- reorganize the ftp sight (e.g contrib directory)
- Ted: Bob Kahn wants to "pull the stops out" and really grow the
- Problem: the matrix folks are getting code from the matrix sight
- Q: would you like my contributed NEXTSTEP Quad-fat binary for
python? Does that screw with the pyc files?
- Yes to 1) and No to 2)
- Paul: We are doing more in the PSA and this third workshop
went quite well!
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