Re: Opinions? Tcl Python Perl, Virtues/failings

Dan Janowski (
Thu, 30 Mar 1995 21:49:11 -0800

Thanks for your response. It was exactly what I was looking for.
I am considering learning yet another language, Python, and
I was looking for your well formed comparison.

> Will you be able to use all your tools together, gaining more leverage
> as you go, or are you always starting from scratch? Will you be able

This is one of the issues that I hold to be very important. Tcl
has given me a reasonable amount of re-use, but not as much as
I suspect that I can get. The more I use itcl (OO extensions) to
make classes, the more I re-use. So I started wondering if there
wasn't another system that has a better library mgmt scheme and a
better, and built in, OO scheme. Python seems to have both.

> unless you create your own special extension data types, and then you
> sacrifice the integration benefits that come with native data types.

I have hit this. Compiling invariably works against the
extensibility and portability of code.

> ken
>, 301 975-3539

Thanks again.

Dan Janowski
New York, NY