Info documentation

Eric Daniel (
17 Mar 1995 22:37:45 GMT

Hello there,

Thanks for responding to my previous post.

Some of you asked for an converter that would produce HTML intead of texinfo.
Hee hee... time to start a flame war?
But no. It is already possible, I think, to get all the documentation under
HTML format. It is called latex2html, and it was probably used to create the
docs you can access from the python home page at cwi. But I don't know
more about this program. It seems that a texi2html also exists.

So everybody will be happy :)

Somebody told me about adding cross-references, like in any other info
file. Good idea, I think.

Now I'm going to start to convert the different doc files. I think I'm going
to use the already existing script, and see what happens.

But this script cannot recognize all the latex statements, so I will have to
modify it. Not to say that it is truly horrible, and deserves a complete

In case I'm restarting from scratch, I will need a piece of advice. Is it
possible to write a fast parser in python? The existing script takes about
one second to parse 10 lines on a Sparc 5. But it might not be optimal. Did
someone measure the performance of a parser he wrote? Would, say, a
tokenizer written in C improve the things? (a previous experience showed me
that the lexical analysis may be a bottleneck)
Is perl faster?

No, pleaaaaaase! It was a joke!


-- Eric Daniel