Re: embedding, getargs/mkvalue asymmetry

James C. Ahlstrom (
13 Feb 1995 14:07:55 -0500

In article <>,
Mark Lutz <mlutz@KaPRE.COM> wrote:
>More puzzlings from the trenches... :-)
>BTW, I'm curious if anyone else has been doing embedding this
>way (calling functions by module/function name, etc.). Python's
>embedding utilities don't seem as well-structured as its extending
>tools; I'd be interested in any ideas on what sort of higher-level
>embedding API functions might be desirable.

Yes, I am working in this area. When Python is used in any GUI environment
(like NT) the main program and the event loop are in C or C++ and are part
of the operating system. When an event occurs, the Python handler function
must be called. That means that in a GUI, Python is necessarily an
embedded language. But I am not far enough along to comment on specific
language proposals.

Jim Ahlstrom