Re: Jim Fulton : Extensible compound statements -- new exec flavor

Jim Fulton (
Sun, 5 Feb 1995 01:40:25 GMT

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Fulton <> writes:
In article <> (Jim Fulton ) writes:

>>>>> "Guido" == Guido van Rossum <> writes:
> In article <>
> writes:

...Stuff deleted...

>> We then get the following semantics:

>> enter object:
>> suite

>> 1. Call object.__enter__(). If this raises an exception, execution of
>> the enter statement is abandoned.

>> 2. Execute the suite.

>> 3. If suite terminates without raising an exception (not counting
>> exceptions handled within it), call object.__leave__(None, None, None).

>> 4. If the suite terminates with an exception, call
>> object.__leave__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback).

>> 5. In either case, if the call to object.__leave__(...) terminates
>> normally, the enter statement terminates normally; if it raises an
>> exception, it may be handled in the scope containing the enter
>> statement. (There should be a way to emulate the effect of "finally",
>> which is not to disturb the stack trace. This is a separate, and
>> minor issue.)

> Cool.

>> It is possible that there are race conditions in this proposal that
>> worry the transaction processing experts (which I'm not).

> I don't see one.

Drats, I spoke too quickly. I see a problem with 1. Consider the
following __enter__:

def __enter__(self):

Suppose an interrupt causes an exception to be raised just after
executing the try statement. __leave__ will not be called and the
transaction created in the above try statement will not be aborted.

I think that __enter__ and suite need to be treated as a unit and that
__leave__ should be called even if an exception is raised in
__enter__. Is it possible for an exception to be raised *between* the
call to __enter__ and the execution of suite?

-- Jim Fulton    (703) 648-5622
                   U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA  22092 
This message is being posted to obtain or provide technical information
relating to my duties at the U.S. Geological Survey.