simple prog hangs & core dumps

Mike Tibbs (
Wed, 20 Jul 94 10:51 EDT

Here's a strange problem, Pythoners.

On SunOS 4.1.3, I run this program and it hangs
and then core dumps (if I let it run awhile):


import sys

def main():


tibbs 393} ./
^C^Cpython: to interrupt a truly hanging Python program, interrupt once more.

If I run it interactively, it works:

tibbs 394} python
Python 1.0.2 (Jun 27 1994)
Copyright 1991-1994 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import sys
>>> def main():
... print sys.path
>>> main()
['.', '/usr/local/lib/python', '/usr/local/lib/python/test']