Stephane> My compilte time output is :
Stephane> gcc -O -I./../Include -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H
Stephane> -DPYTHONPATH=\".:/usr/local/lib/python:/usr/local/lib/python/test:/usr/local/lib/python/stdwin\"
Stephane> -c config.c gcc config.o libModules.a
Stephane> ../Python/libPython.a ../Objects/libObjects.a
Stephane> ../Parser/libParser.a -lm -lncurses -o python
Stephane> libModules.a(cursesmodule.o): Undefined symbol
Stephane> _wechochar referenced from text segment
Stephane> libModules.a(cursesmodule.o): Undefined symbol
Stephane> _intrflush referenced from text segment make: ***
Stephane> [../python] Error 1
Stephane> Any suggestions ?
Don't suppose there should be a -ltermcap in there ?
Adrian (Just guessing)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- = Adrian Phillips at | BUT any thoughts in this are purely = = The Norwegian Meteorological | my own and have nothing to do with = = Institute | this establishment, thankfully. = = Net: | Phone: 47 22 96 32 09 Fax: 47 22 96 30 50