I'm using the python bindings to mSQL to create indexed WWW documents.
Here's the problem: I can't use lines of text that have quotes.
For instance, here is my statement for writing the title to the database:
x.Query("update articles set title='"+title+ \
"' where filename='"+filename+"'")
If title="Configuration options for a cisco router", it gets expanded
nicely. If title="Configuration options for cisco's new router", it sees
the ' in cisco's as the termination of the value.
So, how do I handle concatenation when the strings contain arbitrary
amounts of ' and " symbols? It also is giving me problems when I try
writing out my HTML.
Paul Everitt V 703.785.7384 Email Paul.Everitt@cminds.com
Connecting Minds, Inc. F 703.785.7385 WWW http://www.cminds.com/