Re: python/stdwin fonts/text_edit
Wed, 21 Sep 1994 11:52:53 +0200

> 1) There seems to be a "get" in the stdwin interface provided by Python
> for everything except current font; that is, I find no analog for
> stdwin.setfont(). I also have found no such routine in the stdwin
> source code, though wsetfont is present in .../Ports/x11/font.c .
> Is this an oversight? Hard to do in X for some reason?

An oversight, I guess. Not hard to do at all. You could of course
keep track of the setfont calls you make...

> 2) How come stdwin.setfont() has no affect on text_edit objects in
> windows subsequently opened?

Textedit uses the window's default font, which is initialized to the
global default font at window creation time. I can't find a way to
change the window's default font (maybe a dd.setfont() will stick?)
You certainly can't change the font of a textedit block once it's been

> Setfont also fails to affect the font
> in askstr boxes (and therefore, I assume, message, askync and askfile
> boxes too) -- I presume that's because they're built on text_edits.

They're not based on textedit at all. Their font is fixed. There's
an X resource "menuFont" that changes the default.

> 3) Can anyone tell me what type values I need to monitor for text_edit
> boxes? To be more specific, for what values of type can
> stdwin.text_edit.event(type, window, detail) return true?

Read the C source. From memory I'd say characters, keys, commands
(like arrows), mouse events, and draw events.

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>