Re: Build User Interface

Adrian Phillips (
20 Sep 1994 06:05:18 GMT

In article <35l2hc$> (Pedro Miguel Fonseca Ruivo) writes:

> I'm looking for a tool to develope a user interface for
> online database aplications. I've been told that tkpython,
> tktcl, tkperl perhaps could help me.
> Since my ftp's for docs have a painfull taste could someone
> please tell the diference bettwen this programming languages
> and if there are any other tools more suitable to build
> interactiv aplications (the highest the level the better, easier).

If you want an interface building program you'll have to stick with
tcl/tk and use XF which allows you to build screens then write the
code to do the real work. There is no screen builder for
tkperl/tkpython that I know of - whether you can use XF to build the
screens then merge this with tkpython, I don't know.

I don't know of a free X/Motif screen builder and I don't know of
anything higher level than these languages that has interface building
capabilties - perhaps somebody else ?

> I've heard about ncurses is it better ? differente ?

ncurses is an enhanced form of curses which is a character based
screen handling package, ie. it doesn't work with X windows directly,
you'd have to run it in an xterm (no mouse handling).

> If someone could help me i'd apreciate if you post an article.
> Thanks
> Pedro Ruivo.


= Adrian Phillips at            | BUT any thoughts in this are purely    =
= The Norwegian Meteorological  | my own and have nothing to do with     =
= Institute   	    	        | this establishment, thankfully.        =
= Net:  | Phone: 47 22 96 32 09 Fax: 47 22 96 30 50
= Adrian Phillips at            | BUT any thoughts in this are purely    =
= The Norwegian Meteorological  | my own and have nothing to do with     =
= Institute   	    	        | this establishment, thankfully.        =
= Net:  | Phone: 47 22 96 32 09 Fax: 47 22 96 30 50