Re: Suggestion for new directory layout for Python lib-dir.

Tim O'Malley (
18 Aug 1994 23:19:22 GMT


-> From: wgsohne@tucson.Princeton.EDU (Guido Sohne)
-> I think the general idea is good but to hardcode the architecture names
-> would be bad. All that is really necessary here (I think - still new to
-> python :-) is to put a ${ARCH} in the PYTHONPATH ie .../lib/python/${ARCH}
-> and you are set. You just have to set ARCH='/usr/local/bin/arch' where arch
-> is a local program/script on the machine that returns eg sun4 or sgi
-> depending on the architecture in use. More flexible IMHO

If you compile python on a sparc running sunos4, you don't want to
access the files or a sparc running solaris2.3. In short, the system
name and type can be basically hard-coded at compile time. (I believe
that gcc also behaves this way.)

keeping it short...

. happy daze . .
. -tim O . Complex problems have .
. <> . simple, .
. Tim O'Malley . easy-to-understand, .
. BBN/DSI Engineering . wrong answers. .
. (617) 873-3076 . .