Re: Some things I'd like
Thu, 11 Aug 1994 15:20:45 +0200

> : >>> string.joinfields( ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], '' ) # list to string
> : >>> map( None, 'abcdefg' ) # string to list
> : >>> map( None, ( 1,2,3,4,5,6 ) ) # tuple to list
> : >>> reduce( lambda a,b: a + (b,), 'abcdefg', ()) # string to tuple
> : >>> reduce( lambda a,b: a + (b,), [1,2,3,4,5], () ) # list to tuple
> OK, I'm writing a new module, and these are going in. I have better things
> to do than remember cryptic conjurements. When I have something
> decent, I'll post it. Thanks, Steven.

I've just implemented an efficient tuple(seq) function which converts
any sequence to a tuple... Will be in the next release (don't ask me
when :-). If you insist I could make a patch available.

> The first: the fact that tuples and strings are immutable. And I do
> believe you, that a lot of thought went into it. I can see it in the
> simplicity of the language, and it's capacity to support rather large
> programs. Python has features I wish compiled languages had.
> However, I think some things are a pain. And these things are
> related to sequence types. There are a few functions that require
> specific types, such as:
> apply(), which requires a tuple. But in constructing an argument
> list, I used the more flexible list. Now I have to convert. Why
> can't apply take a list also?
> hash keys for dictionaries can be tuples, but not lists. Again: I
> constructed my key as a list, because it was most suitable, and
> now I have to convert.

There are many places in Python where a built-in function requires a
tuple (or a list) where an arbitrary sequence would make sense. This
is an oversight, which will be remedied one time. apply() is one
(although a tuple is needed by the implementation).

On the other hand, hash() won't work on lists for a reason -- if L
were a list object used as as dictionary key, L.append(...) would
change its hash value and break an invariant of the dictionary
implementation. So therefore you need the new tuple() built-in.

> Yesterday, I needed to duplicate a dictionary. new_dict = dict[:]
> won't do it. Is there a good way to do this?

new_dict = {}
for k in dict.keys(): new_dict[k] = dict[k]

This is about as efficient as a built-in function could do it (unlike
tuple(), where a built-in implementation can turn an O(N*N) algorithm
into an O(N) algorithm).

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>