Re: Some things I'd like
Tue, 09 Aug 1994 10:29:15 +0200

Agreed with most of what Steven says (although it's kind of difficult
to remember which idiom to use for which conversion).

> - definitely:
> optimize the exiting map( None, ... ) special case

Have you measured how slow it is? On a classic Sun4 system (the
slowest machine around here :-) it takes about 8 usec per item
(i.e. 80 msec for a tuple of 10000). Sure, a few usec could probably
squeezed out, but it's not a case of "definitely must optimize" I'd

> - and maybe:
> add a fast tuple( seq ) builtin function.

Yes, I've wanted this many times too. It's on the TODO list now!

BTW, wrote:

> Since LIST is the only mutable sequential type (a hindrance, IMHO),
> these conversions will permit easy manipulation of elements.

What exactly do you call a hindrance -- the fact that tuples and
strings are immutable, the fact that lists mutable, or the fact that
they share any functionality at all? I can assure you that much
thought went into this and once you get used to it, it's the only
way to go. (Oh, and the array module also defines a mutable sequence

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>