Re: Am I just dreaming, or...
Fri, 05 Aug 1994 16:27:24 +0200

> > ... did I hear that attributes of an object that begin with an
> > underscore ('_') are not supposed to show up when you do a dir() on
> > that object? I believe I heard this was coming and it has yet to be
> > implemented. Will it be implemented any time soon? And if it is,
> > will these attributes show up if I do a vars() on the object?

Steven Majewski:
> I believe the current case is that objects starting with underscore
> are not imported into the current namespace by a "from module import *"
> statement, but everything is visible via a dir(module). ( and even
> names that are not apparently/obviously visible like obj.__methods__
> or something.__members__ or namespaceobj.__dict__ are always reachable/
> readable - at least until 'access' get's promoted out of experimental!)
> I don't recall a change in this being discussed.
> ( Did I miss something while I was away? )

Hm. I hope Tommy just phrased his wish as a rumor. It certainly
didn't orginate with me and I haven't heard of it either.

> It might not be a bad idea, though. Now that we also have 'vars()',
> they could be further distinguished by dir() ignoring the private
> names. I haven't looked at the code to see if this would be easy to
> implement yet.

It would be easy enough, but I don't think I like it. I sort of like
the idea that vars().keys() == dir(). That would mean that if dir()
is changed, vars() would also have to be changed (and that *is* more
work as it currently returns a pointer to an existing dictionary). In
any case both functions should then have an optional flag argument to
show everything.

But why would you want this? What's the point in not seeing there's a
local variable "_foo" when one exists?

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>