Re: Why does only sgi have DO_PG in posixmodule.c
Fri, 30 Jul 1993 10:23:20 +0200

> At the top of the file it sez:
> #ifdef __sgi
> #define DO_PG
> #endif
> Guess what, these process group commands come in handy, especially if
> you want to create a daemon (setsid). Actually, you can't create a
> daemon without those routines. Can't we include them by default?

Not all systems support this, especially SunOS 4 doesn't. It should
have been made a "Configure" time option.

> As a side issue, does python still print to stderr internally, no
> matter what you set sys.stderr to? That is very annoying if you try to
> make it shut up completely.

There is some output to stderr, but only if the interpreter gets
seriously confused. Stack traces go to whatever sys.stderr points to.

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>