interface generation

Gerry Stringer (
Tue, 4 Aug 92 15:33:16 BST


Question: has anyone automated/semi-automated generation of Python
interface code (ideally for C++) before I think about having a go?

Waffle for your interest: my company's application involves collecting
X-ray data in the form of spectra from a box attached to an electron
microscope and then displaying it, analysing what elements it contains

We've actually designed the software as closely cooperating multiple
processes rather than some monolith eg. one process holds and displays
spectra while another controls acquiring it, another process analyses
it etc.

We write in C++ and have developed our own C++ library called RMC
(Remote Method Call) so that eg. object.dosomething(arg1,arg2) while
appearing to run locally, actually does the equivalent of RPC ie.
packaging args, executing code in another process, unpackaging

To stop terminal boredom typing in code, we have "rmcgen" which takes a
classname, methods and their args and generates the C++ to interface to
RMC. It is this, or a Postgres preprocessor I developed, that I would
probably use as the starting point for Python interface generation.

We have an OPENWINDOWS GUI front end to all this but we still need an
interpreter (for a different sort of translation?) to automate tasks at
a high level hence Python.

Many thanks again to Guido who advised me about how to have a single
common shared library of core Python code with process specific


|Gerry Stringer |Phone: +44 954 780926 |
|Cambridge Scanning Company Ltd |Fax: +44 954 789829 |
|Saxon Way |UUCP : |
|Bar Hill | gerry@camscan.uucp |
|Cambridge CB3 8SL | |
|United Kingdom | |