Transluscent Inter-Process Service Migration

  1. What is migration?
  2. Why do we need migration?
  3. (Too) Simple solutions
  4. Problems with simple solutions
  5. Upgrading code
  6. Problems with intra-process migration
  7. execl()
  8. Problems with execl()
  9. Migration between processes on one machine
  10. Migration between processes on Multiple machines
  11. Problems with multiple machines
  12. Example of simple (stateless) migration
  13. Example of complex (stateful) migration
  14. Migration - a demonstration - part 1
  15. Migration - a demonstration - part 2
  16. Migration - a demonstration - part 3
  17. Migration walk-through - part 1
  18. Migration walk-through - part 2
  19. Migration walk-through - part 3
  20. Migration walk-through - part 4
  21. Migration walk-through - part 5
  22. Migration walk-through - part 6
  23. Integration with existing software
  24. Design for migratibility
  25. Conclusions
  26. Future directions
  27. Questions?