import tempfile from twisted.spread import pb from twisted.python import log from twisted.cred import portal from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet import protocol import unix import pbold import jelliers class MigrationError(Exception): pass class DescriptorChannelNotAllocated(MigrationError): pass class ServerFactory(protocol.ServerFactory): protocol = protocol.Protocol def __init__(self, d): self.onConnect = d def buildProtocol(self, addr): p = protocol.ServerFactory.buildProtocol(self, addr) self.onConnect.callback(p) return p # # Sequence of events: # # Server listens on 'migrate' unix socket # Client connects to 'migrate' unix socket # New Avatar allocated for this connection # Client asks for a new descriptor channel via PB # Server allocates a temporary file, listens on it as a unix socket, # and tells client name of file # Client connects to temporary file # Client requests list of services available for transfer # Server responds with list # Client selects services and requests it from server # Server moves service into `in transit' holding pen # Server returns service: # Objects reachable from service are jellied # FileDescriptors encountered are jellied using the adapters # in; their file descriptors are sent over the # descriptor channel with sendmsg() # Client acknowledges receipt of service and associated file # descriptors # Server dumps service from `in transit' holding pen # If no services remain on server, server terminates class MigrationServer(pb.Avatar): __implements__ = (pb.Avatar.__implements__, jelliers.IJanitor) descriptorChannelAllocated = False def __init__(self, servers): self.servers = servers self.transition = {} self.tracking = {} # IJanitor def track(self, id, cleanup, revert): self.tracking.setdefault(id, []).append((cleanup, revert)) def cleanup(self, id): bin = self.tracking[id] del self.tracking[id] functions = [c for (c, r) in bin] map(apply, functions) def revert(self, id): bin = self.tracking[id] del self.tracking[id] functions = [r for (c, r) in bin] map(apply, functions) # Other stuff def cbChannelAllocate(self, result): self.descriptorChannelAllocated = True self.dConnection = None self.dChannel = result def perspective_allocateDescriptorChannel(self): tmp = tempfile.mktemp() self.dConnection = defer.Deferred() self.dConnection.addCallback(self.cbChannelAllocate) self.dConnection.addErrback(log.err) self.dChannelServer = unix.UNIXServer(tmp, ServerFactory(self.dConnection)) self.dChannelServer.startService() return tmp def perspective_getServerList(self): return self.servers.keys() def perspective_getServer(self, name): if not self.descriptorChannelAllocated: raise DescriptorChannelNotAllocated() self.transition[name] = self.servers[name] del self.servers[name] self.sendingServerID = name return self.transition[name] def perspective_gotServer(self, name): server = self.transition[name] del self.transition[name] self.cleanup(name) if not self.servers and not self.transition: self.outOfServers() def perspective_nevermind(self, name): self.revert(name) self.servers[name] = self.transition[name] del self.transition[name] def outOfServers(self): from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.stop() class MigrationRealm: __implements__ = (portal.IRealm,) def __init__(self, servers): self.servers = servers def requestAvatar(self, avatarID, mind, *interfaces): assert pb.IPerspective in interfaces return pb.IPerspective, MigrationServer(self.servers), lambda: None