/* * Program: spell.c * * * Michael Seibel * Networks and Distributed Computing * Computing and Communications * University of Washington * Administration Builiding, AG-44 * Seattle, Washington, 98195, USA * Internet: mikes@cac.washington.edu * * Please address all bugs and comments to "pine-bugs@cac.washington.edu" * * * Pine and Pico are registered trademarks of the University of Washington. * No commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior written * permission of the University of Washington. * * Pine, Pico, and Pilot software and its included text are Copyright * 1989-2002 by the University of Washington. * * The full text of our legal notices is contained in the file called * CPYRIGHT, included with this distribution. * */ #ifdef SPELLER int movetoword PROTO((char *)); #define NSHLINES 12 static char *spellhelp[] = { "Spell Check Help", " ", "\tThe spell checker examines all words in the text. It then", "\toffers each misspelled word for correction while simultaneously", "\thighlighting it in the text. To leave a word unchanged simply", "~\thit ~R~e~t~u~r~n at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected,", "\teach occurrence of the incorrect word is offered for replacement.", " ", "~\tSpell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ~^~C (~F~3)", "\tafter exiting help.", " ", "End of Spell Check Help", " ", NULL }; static char *pinespellhelp[] = { "Spell Check Help", " ", "\tThe spell checker examines all words in the text. It then", "\toffers each misspelled word for correction while simultaneously", "\thighlighting it in the text. To leave a word unchanged simply", "\thit Return at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected,", "\teach occurrence of the incorrect word is offered for replacement.", " ", "\tSpell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ^C (F3)", "\tafter exiting help.", " ", "End of Spell Check Help", " ", NULL }; /* * spell() - check for potentially missspelled words and offer them for * correction */ spell(f, n) int f, n; { int status, next, ret; FILE *p; char *b, *sp, *fn; char wb[NLINE], cb[NLINE]; FILE *P_open(); setimark(0, 1); emlwrite("Checking spelling...", NULL); /* greetings */ if(alt_speller) return(alt_editor(1, 0)); /* f == 1 means fork speller */ if((fn = writetmp(0, NULL)) == NULL){ emlwrite("Can't write temp file for spell checker", NULL); return(-1); } if((sp = (char *)getenv("SPELL")) == NULL) sp = SPELLER; if(fexist(sp, "x", (off_t *)NULL) != FIOSUC){ emlwrite("\007Spell-checking file \"%s\" not found", sp); return(-1); } sprintf(cb, "( %s ) < %s", sp, fn); /* pre-use buffer! */ if((p = P_open(cb)) == NULL){ /* read output from command */ unlink(fn); emlwrite("Can't fork spell checker", NULL); return(-1); } ret = 1; while(fgets(wb, NLINE, p) != NULL && ret){ if((b = (char *)strchr(wb,'\n')) != NULL) *b = '\0'; strcpy(cb, wb); gotobob(0, 1); status = TRUE; next = 1; while(status){ if(next++) if(movetoword(wb) != TRUE) break; update(); (*term.t_rev)(1); pputs(wb, 1); /* highlight word */ (*term.t_rev)(0); if(strcmp(cb, wb)){ char prompt[2*NLINE + 32]; sprintf(prompt, "Replace \"%s\" with \"%s\"", wb, cb); status=mlyesno(prompt, TRUE); } else status=mlreplyd("Edit a replacement: ", cb, NLINE, QDEFLT, NULL); curwp->w_flag |= WFMOVE; /* put cursor back */ sgarbk = 0; /* fake no-keymenu-change! */ update(); pputs(wb, 0); /* un-highlight */ switch(status){ case TRUE: chword(wb, cb); /* correct word */ case FALSE: update(); /* place cursor */ break; case ABORT: emlwrite("Spell Checking Cancelled", NULL); ret = FALSE; status = FALSE; break; case HELPCH: if(Pmaster){ VARS_TO_SAVE *saved_state; saved_state = save_pico_state(); (*Pmaster->helper)(pinespellhelp, "Help with Spelling Checker", 1); if(saved_state){ restore_pico_state(saved_state); free_pico_state(saved_state); } } else pico_help(spellhelp, "Help with Spelling Checker", 1); case (CTRL|'L'): next = 0; /* don't get next word */ sgarbf = TRUE; /* repaint full screen */ update(); status = TRUE; continue; default: emlwrite("Huh?", NULL); /* shouldn't get here, but.. */ status = TRUE; sleep(1); break; } forwword(0, 1); /* goto next word */ } } P_close(p); /* clean up */ unlink(fn); swapimark(0, 1); curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD|WFMODE; sgarbk = TRUE; if(ret) emlwrite("Done checking spelling", NULL); return(ret); } /* * movetoword() - move to the first occurance of the word w * * returns: * TRUE upon success * FALSE otherwise */ movetoword(w) char *w; { int i; int ret = FALSE; int olddoto; LINE *olddotp; register int off; /* curwp offset */ register LINE *lp; /* curwp line */ olddoto = curwp->w_doto; /* save where we are */ olddotp = curwp->w_dotp; curwp->w_bufp->b_mode |= MDEXACT; /* case sensitive */ while(forscan(&i, w, NULL, 0, 1) == TRUE){ if(i) break; /* wrap NOT allowed! */ lp = curwp->w_dotp; /* for convenience */ off = curwp->w_doto; /* * We want to minimize the number of substrings that we report * as matching a misspelled word... */ if(off == 0 || !isalpha((unsigned char)lgetc(lp, off - 1).c)){ off += strlen(w); if((!isalpha((unsigned char)lgetc(lp, off).c) || off == llength(lp)) && lgetc(lp, 0).c != '>'){ ret = TRUE; break; } } forwchar(0, 1); /* move on... */ } curwp->w_bufp->b_mode ^= MDEXACT; /* case insensitive */ if(ret == FALSE){ curwp->w_dotp = olddotp; curwp->w_doto = olddoto; } else curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD; return(ret); } #endif /* SPELLER */