# Don't edit makefile, edit makefile.bas instead. # RM= rm -f ALL= os-a32.c os-a41.c os-aix.c \ os-aux.c os-bs2.c os-bsd.c os-bsf.c os-bsi.c os-bso.c \ os-cvx.c os-dos.c os-dpx.c os-dyn.c \ os-gen.c os-hpp.c os-isc.c os-lnx.c \ os-lyn.c os-mnt.c os-neb.c os-nxt.c \ os-os2.c os-osf.c os-osx.c os-pt1.c os-ptx.c \ os-s40.c os-sco.c os-sgi.c os-sun.c \ os-sv4.c os-ult.c os-win.c os-wnt.c \ os-3b1.c os-att.c os-sc5.c os-nto.c .SUFFIXES: .ic .ic.c: ./includer < $*.ic > $*.c all: includer $(ALL) includer: includer.c $(CC) -o includer includer.c -ldl clean: $(RM) $(ALL) includer # You don't have to run this unless you change a .ic file. depend: ./makedep # Makedep only catches 1-level deep includes. If something depends on a # 2nd-level include, put it here. os-3b1.c: header raw.io read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-3b1.ic os-a32.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-a32.ic os-a41.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.inf unix os-a41.ic os-aix.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-aix.ic os-att.c: header raw.io read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-att.ic os-aux.c: header raw.io read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-aux.ic os-bs2.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-bs2.ic os-bsd.c: getcwd header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-bsd.ic os-bsf.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-bsf.ic os-bsi.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-bsi.ic os-bso.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-bso.ic os-cvx.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-cvx.ic os-dos.c: dos dosgen header term.dos os-dos.ic os-dpx.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-dpx.ic os-dyn.c: getcwd header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-dyn.ic os-gen.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-gen.ic os-hpp.c: header raw.io read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-hpp.ic os-isc.c: header raw.io read.sel spell.unx term.cap truncate unix os-isc.ic os-lnx.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.inf unix os-lnx.ic os-lyn.c: getcwd header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-lyn.ic os-mnt.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-mnt.ic os-neb.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-neb.ic os-nto.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-nto.ic os-nxt.c: getcwd header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-nxt.ic os-os2.c: header os2 spell.os2 term.dos os-os2.ic os-osf.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-osf.ic os-osx.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-osx.ic os-pt1.c: header raw.io read.pol spell.unx term.inf unix os-pt1.ic os-ptx.c: header raw.io read.pol spell.unx term.inf unix os-ptx.ic os-s40.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-s40.ic os-sc5.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.inf unix os-sc5.ic os-sco.c: fsync.non header raw.io read.sel spell.unx term.inf truncate unix os-sco.ic os-sgi.c: header raw.ios read.sel spell.unx term.inf unix os-sgi.ic os-sun.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-sun.ic os-sv4.c: header raw.ios read.pol spell.unx term.inf unix os-sv4.ic os-ult.c: header raw.brk read.sel spell.unx term.cap unix os-ult.ic os-win.c: dosgen header spell.ms win os-win.ic os-wnt.c: dosgen header spell.ms win os-wnt.ic