#if !defined(lint) && !defined(DOS) static char rcsid[] = "$Id: bind.c 7281 2004-04-05 01:06:15Z amk $"; #endif /* * Program: Key binding routines * * * Michael Seibel * Networks and Distributed Computing * Computing and Communications * University of Washington * Administration Builiding, AG-44 * Seattle, Washington, 98195, USA * Internet: mikes@cac.washington.edu * * Please address all bugs and comments to "pine-bugs@cac.washington.edu" * * * Pine and Pico are registered trademarks of the University of Washington. * No commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior written * permission of the University of Washington. * * Pine, Pico, and Pilot software and its included text are Copyright * 1989-2000 by the University of Washington. * * The full text of our legal notices is contained in the file called * CPYRIGHT, included with this distribution. * */ /* This file is for functions having to do with key bindings, descriptions, help commands, and command line execution. written 11-feb-86 by Daniel Lawrence */ #include "headers.h" #ifdef ANSI int arraylen(char **); #else int arraylen(); #endif /* * help - help function for pico (UW pared down version of uemacs). * this function will intentionally garbage with helpful * tips and then wait for a ' ' to be hit to then update the * screen. */ static char *helptext[] = { "\tPico Help Text", " ", "\tPico is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use text editor with a", "\tlayout very similar to the pine mailer. The status line at the", "\ttop of the display shows pico's version, the current file being", "\tedited and whether or not there are outstanding modifications", "\tthat have not been saved. The third line from the bottom is used", "\tto report informational messages and for additional command input.", "\tThe bottom two lines list the available editing commands.", " ", "\tEach character typed is automatically inserted into the buffer", "\tat the current cursor position. Editing commands and cursor", "\tmovement (besides arrow keys) are given to pico by typing", "\tspecial control-key sequences. A caret, '^', is used to denote", "~\tthe control key, sometimes marked \"CTRL\", so the ~C~T~R~L~-~q key", "~\tcombination is written as ~^~Q.", " ", "\tThe following functions are available in pico (where applicable,", "\tcorresponding function key commands are in parentheses).", " ", "~\t~^~G (~F~1) Display this help text.", " ", "~\t~^~F move Forward a character.", "~\t~^~B move Backward a character.", "~\t~^~P move to the Previous line.", "~\t~^~N move to the Next line.", "~\t~^~A move to the beginning of the current line.", "~\t~^~E move to the End of the current line.", "~\t~^~V (~F~8) move forward a page of text.", "~\t~^~Y (~F~7) move backward a page of text.", " ", "~\t~^~W (~F~6) Search for (where is) text, neglecting case.", "~\t~^~L Refresh the display.", " ", "~\t~^~D Delete the character at the cursor position.", "~\t~^~^ Mark cursor position as beginning of selected text.", "\t\t Note: Setting mark when already set unselects text.", "~\t~^~K (~F~9) Cut selected text (displayed in inverse characters).", "\t\t Note: The selected text's boundary on the cursor side", "\t\t ends at the left edge of the cursor. So, with ", "\t\t selected text to the left of the cursor, the ", "\t\t character under the cursor is not selected.", "~\t~^~U (~F~1~0) Uncut (paste) last cut text inserting it at the", "\t\t current cursor position.", "~\t~^~I Insert a tab at the current cursor position.", " ", "~\t~^~J (~F~4) Format (justify) the current paragraph.", "\t\t Note: paragraphs delimited by blank lines or indentation.", "~\t~^~T (~F~1~2) To invoke the spelling checker", "~\t~^~C (~F~1~1) Report current cursor position", " ", "~\t~^~R (~F~5) Insert an external file at the current cursor position.", "~\t~^~O (~F~3) Output the current buffer to a file, saving it.", "~\t~^~X (~F~2) Exit pico, saving buffer.", " ", "\tPine and Pico are trademarks of the University of Washington.", "\tNo commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior", "\twritten permission of the University of Washington.", " ", " End of Help.", " ", NULL }; /* * arraylen - return the number of bytes in an array of char */ arraylen(array) char **array; { register int i=0; while(array[i++] != NULL) ; return(i); } /* * whelp - display help text for the composer and pico */ whelp(f, n) int f, n; { if(term.t_mrow == 0){ /* blank keymenu in effect */ if(km_popped == 0){ /* cause keymenu display */ km_popped = 2; if(!Pmaster) sgarbf = TRUE; return(TRUE); } } if(Pmaster){ VARS_TO_SAVE *saved_state; saved_state = save_pico_state(); (*Pmaster->helper)(Pmaster->composer_help, Pmaster->headents ? "Help on the Pine Composer" : "Help on Signature Editor", 1); if(saved_state){ restore_pico_state(saved_state); free_pico_state(saved_state); } ttresize(); picosigs(); /* restore any altered handlers */ curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE; if(km_popped) /* this will unpop us */ curwp->w_flag |= WFHARD; } else{ int mrow_was_zero = 0; /* always want keyhelp showing during help */ if(term.t_mrow == 0){ mrow_was_zero++; term.t_mrow = 2; } pico_help(helptext, "Help for Pico", 1); /* put it back the way it was */ if(mrow_was_zero) term.t_mrow = 0; } sgarbf = TRUE; return(FALSE); } static KEYMENU menu_scroll[] = { {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {"^X", "Exit Help", KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE}, {NULL, NULL, KS_NONE} }; #define PREV_KEY 3 #define NEXT_KEY 9 #define OVERLAP 2 /* displayed page overlap */ /* * scrollw - takes beginning row and ending row to diplay an array * of text lines. returns either 0 if scrolling terminated * normally or the value of a ctrl character typed to end it. * * updates - * 01/11/89 - added stripe call if 1st char is tilde - '~' * */ wscrollw(begrow, endrow, textp, textlen) int begrow, endrow; char *textp[]; int textlen; { register int loffset = 0; register int prevoffset = -1; register int dlines; register int i; register int cont; register int done = 0; register char *buf; int c; dlines = endrow - begrow - 1; while(!done) { /* * diplay a page loop ... */ if(prevoffset != loffset){ for(i = 0; i < dlines; i++){ movecursor(i + begrow, 0); peeol(); if((loffset+i) < textlen){ buf = &(textp[loffset+i][0]); if(*buf == '~'){ buf++; wstripe(begrow+i, 0, buf, '~'); } else{ pputs(buf, 0); } } } /* * put up the options prompt */ movecursor(begrow + dlines, 0); cont = (loffset+dlines < textlen); if(cont){ /* continue ? */ menu_scroll[NEXT_KEY].name = "^V"; menu_scroll[NEXT_KEY].label = "Next Pg"; } else menu_scroll[NEXT_KEY].name = NULL; if(loffset){ menu_scroll[PREV_KEY].name = "^Y"; menu_scroll[PREV_KEY].label = "Prev Pg"; } else menu_scroll[PREV_KEY].name = NULL; wkeyhelp(menu_scroll); } (*term.t_flush)(); c = GetKey(); prevoffset = loffset; switch(c){ case (CTRL|'X') : /* quit */ case F2 : done = 1; break; case (CTRL|'Y') : /* prev page */ case F7 : /* prev page */ if((loffset-dlines-OVERLAP) > 0){ loffset -= (dlines-OVERLAP); } else{ if(loffset != 0){ prevoffset = -1; } else{ (*term.t_beep)(); } loffset = 0; } break; case (CTRL|'V') : /* next page */ case F8 : if(cont){ loffset += (dlines-OVERLAP); } else{ (*term.t_beep)(); } break; case '\016' : /* prev-line */ case (CTRL|'N') : if(cont) loffset++; else (*term.t_beep)(); break; case '\020' : /* prev-line */ case (CTRL|'P') : if(loffset > 0) loffset--; else (*term.t_beep)(); break; case '\014' : /* refresh */ case (CTRL|'L') : /* refresh */ modeline(curwp); update(); prevoffset = -1; break; case NODATA : break; default : emlwrite("Unknown Command.", NULL); (*term.t_beep)(); break; } } return(TRUE); } /* * normalize_cmd - given a char and list of function key to command key * mappings, return, depending on gmode, the right command. * The list is an array of (Fkey, command-key) pairs. * sc is the index in the array that means to ignore fkey * vs. command key mapping * * rules: 1. if c not in table (either fkey or command), let it thru * 2. if c matches, but in other mode, punt it */ normalize_cmd(c, list, sc) int c, sc; int list[][2]; { register int i; for(i=0; i < 12; i++){ if(c == list[i][(FUNC&c) ? 0 : 1]){ /* in table? */ if(i == sc) /* SPECIAL CASE! */ return(list[i][1]); if(list[i][1] == NODATA) /* no mapping ! */ return(c); if(((FUNC&c) == FUNC) ^ ((gmode&MDFKEY) == MDFKEY)) return(BADESC); /* keystroke not allowed! */ else return(list[i][1]); /* never return func keys */ } } #ifdef _WINDOWS /* * Menu's get alpha key commands assigned to them. Well, if we are in PF * key mode then the alpha key commands don't work. So, we flag them with * a bit (MENU defined in estruct.h) so we can recognize them as different * from a keyboard press. Here we clear that flag so the command can be * processed. */ c &= ~MENU; #endif return(c); } /* * rebind - replace the first function with the second */ void rebindfunc(a, b) int (*a) PROTO((int, int)), (*b) PROTO((int, int)); { KEYTAB *kp; kp = (Pmaster) ? &keytab[0] : &pkeytab[0]; while(kp->k_fp != NULL){ /* go thru whole list, and */ if(kp->k_fp == a) kp->k_fp = b; /* replace all occurances */ kp++; } } /* * bindtokey - bind function f to command c */ bindtokey(c, f) int c, (*f) PROTO((int, int)); { KEYTAB *kp, *ktab = (Pmaster) ? &keytab[0] : &pkeytab[0]; for(kp = ktab; kp->k_fp; kp++) if(kp->k_code == c){ kp->k_fp = f; /* set to new function */ break; } /* not found? create new binding */ if(!kp->k_fp && kp < &ktab[NBINDS]){ kp->k_code = c; /* assign new code and function */ kp->k_fp = f; (++kp)->k_code = 0; /* and null out next slot */ kp->k_fp = NULL; } return(TRUE); }