This paper portrays a clear picture of Jython's capability in Server side
programming. It gives an introduction to Servlet programming and servlet filters
using Jython and discusses the advantages of using Jython for Server side
2. Setting up the development environment
Jython: Version:2.1
Application server: Tomcat 5 and above
All the programs described in this tutorial were tested on Tomcat 5.0.27 on a Windows 2K box and the installation procedure described below will apply for Tomcat 5.0 and above. Similar installation procedure can be followed for other platforms with minor changes.
Installing Jython:
1. Download the class file jython_21.class.
2. Run the class file using the command
java jython_21
Specify the Jython installation directory during installation. I am assuming
the convention <JYTHON_HOME> for the Jython installation directory.
4. Once the installation is complete, change the environment variable settings in Windows 2K and above.
In Windows 2K, right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables.
In the Environment variables, click New and add a new variable PATH and set its value to <
JYTHON_HOME> . If there is already
a PATH environment variable, then edit it
and append <JYTHON_HOME> at the end.
Now test the Jython configuration by invoking the jython interpreter (using Start -> RUN -> jython).You should see the jython command line interpreter in the command window. Similarly test the functionality of jythonc by opening a new command window and type jythonc. You should see the jythonc compilation options.
Now you are ready with jython programming.
Installing Tomcat (Version 5.0 and above):
Tomcat is a fairly easy task and I recommend you to follow the one of the best Tomcat installation
guide available in the Web here. You should be able to
run Tomcat without any hiccups if you follow those procedures.
Make sure you have set the CLASSPATH.
In Windows 2K and above, right click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced ->
Environment Variables.
Add or edit the CLASSPATH variable to have the jar files necessary for servlet compilation. Make
sure that the CLASSPATH environment variable contains the current directory by including ".".
CLASSPATH = .;<CATALINA_HOME>\common\lib\servlet-api.jar;
Tomcat and Jython Servlets:
I am assuming that you have installed the Tomcat server based on those guidelines. Now you have a working version of Tomcat (5 and above) and Jython 2.1. Follow the below steps for using jython with Tomcat. Here after <CATALINA_HOME> will denote the Tomcat installation directory.
There are many ways to integrate Tomcat with Jython [1], but I follow the procedure below for developing Jython servlets.
The easiest way is to have Jython and Tomcat in their directories and dictating Tomcat to use Jython class libraries to handle Jython servlets. This is achieved as follows.
1. Edit the <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/web.xml and add these following lines.
This defines the way the Jython servlets should be handled. The PyServlet
class is invoked to handle Jython servlets i.e files with a .py extension.
The above servlets and the mapping can also be defined in the context's web.xml file. If your default context is ROOT (in Tomcat 5), then you may add the above lines in that context's web.xml file.i.e <CATALINA_HOME> /webapps/ROOT/lib/Web-inf/web.xml so that Jython servlets will be invoked only for that particular context.
2. Copy the jython.jar file in the <JYTHON_HOME> directory to <CATALINA_HOME>/common/lib
directory. This is necessary for
PyServlet to handle Jython servlets.
3. Edit the <CATALINA_HOME>/bin/catalina.bat file (catalina.sh in Linux) and add the following lines.
set CATALINA_OPTS=-Dpython.home=<JYTHON_HOME>.
This specifies the Jython installation directory from where Jython libraries can be used.Testing a Simple Jython Servlet:
Now its high time to test your configuration using a Test Servlet.
Copy the below file in the <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/ROOT directory.
Listing 1: TestServlet.py
Start the Tomcat server and type
http://<Server IP address:Port>/TestServlet.py
If you are using loopback address, then type
You should see the message like this in your browser.
Your Jython servlet configuration is Successful
If you see the above message, then Congrats. Your Jython Servlet Configuration
was Successful. You are ready to program Jython Servlets.
3. Request Filters
Add the filter definition and mapping in <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/ROOT/web-inf/web.xml file. (See here)
You will see two class files generated in the <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/ROOT/web-inf/classes directory as shown
Start the Tomcat Server and note the filter initialization message to make sure that the filter started.
Open the browser and access any page from the Tomcat server. Say
http://<Server IP address:Port>/<FileName> or even the Tomcat Home page i.e
Keep reloading the page fast and when the number of requests exceeds a specific threshold within a specified time interval,say 20 requests within 10 seconds, etc , the request from that client will be blocked for two minutes.
There are two lists in the code namely the block_list and the Request_tracker list. The request_tracker list monitors the requests and if any rule is violated within a specified time interval , that requested IP is moved to block_list so that the request will be blocked for the next two minutes.
Note that a thread was started during the Filter initialization like this.
This thread cleans the two lists namely the Request_tracker and the block_list from unnecessary entries which will add to additional processing overhead. This thread will clean the tables every 20 seconds. The reason is that only when requests are made, entries in these tables are processed. There may be a situation in which certain IP may make less requests or single request or even if a request IP is block listed, it will be released from the block list only after that IP makes a request after some time. This will result in unwanted entries in the two lists.To avoid this situation, the thread cleans up the tables once an entry is timed out .
Generally in thread programming, a parent process invokes a thread and whenever the parent process dies before the thread it started, the thread it started (child thread) also ceases execution.I noticed this sort of behaviour in CPython. But in our case (In Jython), the filter init method starts a thread .
This thread keeps on executing irrespective of the execution of the filter code. i.e even if the Filter code processes a request and exits, the jython thread invoked during the init method will keep on executing the function clean_tables every 20 seconds, cleaning up the tables. Even if I shutdown the server, this thread will keep on executing without the server being shutdown. That's why the method sys.exit(0) was used in the filter destroy method which forces the server to quit.
def destroy(self):
print "Request Filter Destroyed"
4. Working with POST method : A File Upload Servlet
Till now we have seen how to handle and process requests using the GET method i.e by invoking the doGet method. Now we will see an example of how to invoke the POST method i.e doPOST. Before that one needs to understand the difference between GET and POST methods.
When POST method is used , the data sent to the server will be in the body of the HTTP request. These cannot be seen in the browser and only the request URL shows up in the browser. The content length of the POST method is unrestricted. POST method is used in uploading files, storing or updating data in server, etc, whereas GET method is used for tasks which are idempotent (i.e if you use multiple GETs, you are likely to get same results).
You will be prompted a user name and password and enter the value admin for both. Then you can select the file and upload it. You can see the uploaded file in the directory where the servlet resides. i.e in the <CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/ROOT directory by default or any other directory from where the servlet is invoked.
I think you can easily follow the code with the comments. If you want to understand how file upload takes place, i.e how the servlet processes the POST data contents, headers, etc, then I recommend you to follow the below code which will print all the headers and the contents of the file which was uploaded so that it will aid you in understanding the working of the above servlet well.
Listing 4:
#This Servlet prints the Contents
#of the POST data when a file is Uploaded from
#the client using a HTML FORM
#This helps in understanding how file uploads
#take place
from javax import servlet
from javax.servlet import http
from java.io import *
from java.util import *
from java.lang import *
import string
#Define Server IP address and Port number
SERVER_PORT = "8080"
class getpost (http.HttpServlet):
def doGet(self, req, res):
#Send a File Upload Page to the client
toclient = res.getWriter()
"<FORM ACTION=http://" + SERVER_IP + ":" + SERVER_PORT + req.getRequestURI()
+ " ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data METHOD=POST>"
"""Enter the name of the File <INPUT TYPE=FILE NAME=file> <BR>
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT value = "Upload">
def doPost (self, req, res):
toclient = res.getWriter()
toclient.println("Printing Request Headers:<BR><BR>")
names = req.getHeaderNames()
#Get all header names
while names.hasMoreElements():
#Get the value of each Header and send it
#to the browser
name =names.nextElement()
values = req.getHeaders(name)
if values!= None:
while (values.hasMoreElements()):
value = values.nextElement()
toclient.println(name + ": " + value + "<BR>")
toclient.println("<BR>Printing Stream contents:<BR><BR>")
#Now printing the Stream contents
input = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(req.getInputStream()))
read_data = input.readLine()
#Print Start of the Stream header
toclient.println("Start of Stream = ")
toclient.println(read_data + "<BR><BR>")
#Now print POST data
while ( read_data != None ):
toclient.println (read_data)
last_read_line = read_data
read_data = input.readLine()
#Print end of Stream
toclient.println ( "<BR><BR>End of Stream = " + last_read_line)
#This is equal to the Start
of stream header
Access the above servlet (using http://<SERVER IP address:Port>/getpost.py or and select a file and submit it to the server. You can see the headers and the POST data contents in the browser. The only notable difference is if the servlet is invoked using Internet Explorer 5, the the name of the file along with its path w.r.t the client file system can be seen in the POST data contents whereas in browsers like Firefox, only the name of the file selected is seen (but not its full path).
Having seen the above two servlets I am sure that one will be confident in handling
file uploads using Jython servlets. To get the file to be uploaded in the
directory where the servlet resides the below method was used,
5. Response Filters
So far we have seen Servlet filters processing requests. Now we will see how the filter processes the response. Its natural to assume that since the requests go via the filters, the response should also pass through the filters so that the filters can modify and add response headers and data without any problem. But it is not the case with response filters. The filter should capture the response stream during the time it processes the request (via doGet or doPost) so that it can process the response data. The following things will make it clear.
Whenever the request reaches the end point (i.e HTML or servlet , etc) , the response is written directly to the response stream or the output stream and it is immediately flushed and the stream thus becomes invalid. Therefore when the filters open the response stream for monitoring or modifying the response , an exception will be thrown like this.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response
which means, the response stream was already opened and the response was sent to the client via that output stream before the filter processed it.
For example the below Filter tries to capture the response stream in the above mentioned fashion.
Listing 5:
#A Response Filter to Capture and Modify the Response without Overriding
#This will lead to illegal state exception
from javax import servlet
from javax.servlet import http
from java.lang import *
from java.io import *
import string , sys
class CaptureResponse(servlet.Filter):
def doFilter(self, req, res,chain):
#Capture the Stream which writes response to the client
chain.doFilter(req, res)
toclient = res.getWriter()
def init(self, config):
print "Capture Response filter Initialized"
def destroy(self):
print "Capture Response filter Destroyed"
The filter calls the getOutputStream method after it called the doFilter method. If this filter is deployed and a static HTML page were accessed in the server, an exception will be thrown as follows.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this responseThe solution to capture the response is to extend the HttpServletResponseWrapper class and pass it to the target servlet or HTML and get the wrapped response from the target servlet or HTML, overriding the getWriter method to get the response data generated by the target servlet or HTML. This is illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 1: Response Filters
Here the filter first captures the stream so that it can write the response to the client. Then it creates a new Object extending the HttpServletResponseWrapper class and overrides the getWriter() method and defines it in such a way that it can capture the response string from the target servlet or HTML. This object is then passed to the target servlet or HTML and the getWriter() method defined by this class is used instead of the super class's default getWriter(). This would return the response string to the filter again so that it can modify the original response. The listing for the response filter is shown below.
Listing 6:
#A Response Filter to Capture and Modify the Response
from javax import servlet
from javax.servlet import http
from java.lang import *
from java.io import *
import string , sys
#Buffer contains the stand-in stream response generated by the target servlet or HTML
buffer = None
#Class Wrapper Extends Standard HttpServletResponseWrapper
class Wrapper(http.HttpServletResponseWrapper):
#Override the default toString method to capture the
#target servlet or HTML Response
def toString(self):
global buffer
return buffer.toString()
#Override the Standard getWriter method
#to have the response contents in a stand-in stream defined below
def getWriter (self):
global buffer
buffer = StringWriter()
return PrintWriter(buffer)
class ResponseFilter (servlet.Filter):
def doFilter(self, req, res,chain):
#Capture the Stream which writes response to the client
toclient = res.getWriter()
#Create the Wrapper object with its default constructor
wrapper_stream = Wrapper(res)
#Pass this Wrapper object to get the response from the target
#Servlet or HTML by overriding the getWriter method
#Get the Wrapped Response
if (str(wrapper_stream.getContentType()) == "text/html"):
response is HTML, set ContentType of Client Response to HTML
#Get the Response data in a string
wrapped_response = str(wrapper_stream.toString())
#Find the occurrence of end HTML tag in the response
if wrapped_response.find("</HTML>") <> -1:
#Append a message to this response
wrapped_response =
wrapped_response[:wrapped_response.rfind("</HTML>")] + """
<div style="text-align: center;"><font style="font-weight:
size="+2"><BR> This Response was Monitored by the Filter
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
""" + wrapped_response[wrapped_response.rfind("</HTML>"):]
#Send the Modified response to the client
#If the end tag is </html>
wrapped_response =
wrapped_response[:wrapped_response.rfind("</html>")] + """
<div style="text-align: center;"><font style="font-weight:
size="+2"><BR> This Response was Monitored by the Filter
<span style="font-weight: bold;">
""" + wrapped_response[wrapped_response.rfind("</html>"):]
#write the modified
#Deallocate the buffer
buffer = None
def init(self, config):
print "Response Filter Initialized"
def destroy(self):
print "Response Filter Destroyed"
Here the filter adds its own message (thereby modifying the response) and then
sends it back to the client via the getWriter() method it already called. Compile
the servlet and add the filter definition in the web.xml file as discussed above
for the previous filters. You can see the Response filter's data along with the
actual response you get. (A message "
This Response was Monitored by the Filter" appended at the end of every response)
Here the wrapped response object (which is extending the HttpServletResponseWrapper class) is invoked as
in the extended object to call the super class's (i.e HttpServletResponseWrapper) constructor. This is not required in jython as it would implicitly call the super class's constructor.
6. Servlet Context methods: Getting System information
Here we will see how to use the servlet context methods to get some information about the files and
The servlet context interface can be used to get all the directories and files in the current servlet context (say ROOT) and their real path with respect to the local system. The servlet below displays all the directories and files in the current servlet context.The below servlet recursively gets all the files and directories in the current servlet context.
Listing 7:
from java.lang import *
from javax.servlet import *
from javax.servlet import http
import string , jarray
toclient = None
def recurse_directory (context,list_dir):
global toclient
for i in range(len(list_dir)):
if list(context.getResourcePaths(list_dir[i]).toArray()) == []:
#If the return value is empty list , it is a file
toclient.println("<BR>" + list_dir[i])
#Print the real path of the file
toclient.println("<BR>" + "Path = " +
context.getRealPath(list_dir[i]) + "<BR>" )
#Directory found, recurse through the current directory
class getFileDir (http.HttpServlet):
def doGet(self, req, res):
global toclient
#Set Response ContentType
#Get a new Writer to print the Response in the browser
toclient = res.getWriter()
toclient.println("The files
and directories in the current context are ....<BR>")
#Get the current servlet context
context = http.HttpServlet.getServletContext(self)
#Get the directory and the file listing for the above context
#at the topmost level
resource_path = list(context.getResourcePaths("/").toArray())
#Recurse through the current context to traverse all directories
recurse_directory(context , resource_path)
toclient = None
Copy the script in the ROOT directory <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/ROOT and access the servlet using
and you will see all files in the current context with their real path. As obvious, not all files
displayed in the result are accessible via browser.
7. Advantages of Jython
1.Testing and debugging of servlets can be done with ease because of the interpreted nature of jython, which prevents servlet recompilation and servlet reloading, thus drastically reducing development time. Servlet reloading also destroys previously loaded filters during server startup, thus the server has to be restarted once a servlet is recompiled in java. Servlet filters can also be easily developed in jython since a jython code can easily be compiled to java byte code. Infact this is the best application which uses Jython’s interpreted nature and compilation capabilities.
2. Implicit type conversion of objects in Jython reduces the lines of code. Here
a simple Jython filter is used for illustration of the above statement.
1 from javax import servlet
2 from javax.servlet import http
4 class JythonFilter (servlet. Filter):
6 def doFilter (self, req, res,
remote_addr = req.getRemoteAddr () # This is a method of
request_uri = req.getRequestURI () # This
is a
method of HttpServletRequest object
11 print
remote_addr, “ requested “, request_uri
13 def init (self, config):
15 print "Filter Initialised"
#Initialization code
18 def destroy (self):
print "Filter Destroyed"
#Clean up actions
From the above example the following point should be noted. The servlet filter
receives request and response of the type ServletRequest and in case of http –
specific capabilities, the method should be explicitly typecasted in Java to
This would mean that line 9 in java should be like
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
String request_uri = request.getRequestURI ();
However in jython it gets converted implicitly when it is assigned to a variable.
3. Some Jython modules can also be tweaked to work with latest python modules.
For example, the way an XML parsing code in python (using pyXML) was successfully executed in jython is shown with
an example
[1] Jython for Java Programmers, By Robert W. Bill, New Riders Publications
[2]. Python Programming with the Java™ Class Libraries: A Tutorial for
Building Web and Enterprise Applications with Jython, By Richard Hightower,
Addison Wesley Publications.
[3] Jython Essentials, Samuele Pedroni and Noel Rappin, O'Reilly
(Servlet Filters Documentation).